Have you ever talked yourself out of a win ?

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    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    So yesterday like an absolute muppet i walk in the bookies to ask for a price on the boxing. 10/1 on Crawford to win in the 6th round and then for some completely unknown reason i just walk out without putting the bet on. What a knobhead. I think maybe cos everything I’ve pretty much fancied as not come in recently. Then sods law the one i don’t bet on actually comes in. Very frustrating ??

    whoswho WANTED $118

    I personally haven’t had this happen. But I knew someone back in the day that always took the same 6 lotto numbers. Then for some reason or another he didn’t remember till 2hours before the draw, rather than going down and picking up a ticket he thought “fuck it they never come in” we’ll sure enough 5/6 of his numbers come in not first division but would have got 2nd division for 20k odd. Gave him so much grief over it funny enough he still takes the same numbers expecting lightning to strike twice which we all know won’t happen.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    You have finally found your sport and you bottled it 😛

    Why Khan even got a shot at a belt still baffles me

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Yep bottled it. I just thought na won’t come in as nothing is at the minute. It’s always the way.?

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Malkychamp wrote:

    You have finally found your sport and you bottled it ?

    Why Khan even got a shot at a belt still baffles me

    Well if anyone wants to pay me almost £4m to take a punch to the nuts I’m up for it.   £250,000 a minute for dancing around the ring

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