have you gone skint

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  • #60388
    redhotchilli16 WANTED $3

    where have you gone you tell us to use this site and that site to ganble the fuck off ????????

    redhotchilli16 WANTED $3

    oops to gamble then

    redhotchilli16 WANTED $3

    i have been playing the online slots since they started ….never go to high you will loose….start low they pay with low winnings never failed for me…then withdraw play again ….got a hit on slots of gold megaways this morn for 630 quid on 20p stake..withdrew 500 played the rest on 130 on lightning strike..hit another 249 withdrew….just go low it pays ….

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    redhotchilli16 wrote:

    where have you gone you tell us to use this site and that site to ganble the fuck off ????????

    I don’t think he’s just fucked off mate. His missus has had an operation so he’s looking after the wife and kids. I doubt that leaves time for playing slots hey. Nice wins on the low stakes though lad. ??

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Well fuck me here we are, a genuine fuckwit in the wild… Obviously you haven’t listened or you’d know he’s away due to family issues which obviously come first, and he has topped reel king in the mean time, if you go on twitter.


    Did the lack of bandit content really cause you so much upset you had to go and complain on his site despite the absence being explained to you? Or are you just a sour cunt

    Sipping bleach is better than water for some people, I reckon.

    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    A bit harsh Eightblack. Harsh but fair 🙂

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Nice to know your straight to the point ?Lol

    Eightblack wrote:

    Well fuck me here we are, a genuine fuckwit in the wild… Obviously you haven’t listened or you’d know he’s away due to family issues which obviously come first, and he has topped reel king in the mean time, if you go on twitter.


    Did the lack of bandit content really cause you so much upset you had to go and complain on his site despite the absence being explained to you? Or are you just a sour cunt

    Sipping bleach is better than water for some people, I reckon.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I think it’s clearly obvious you don’t watch my videos Red or you would know where i was.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    redhotchilli16 wrote:

    i have been playing the online slots since they started ….never go to high you will loose….start low they pay with low winnings never failed for me…then withdraw play again ….got a hit on slots of gold megaways this morn for 630 quid on 20p stake..withdrew 500 played the rest on 130 on lightning strike..hit another 249 withdrew….just go low it pays ….

    I normally love reading stories off people winning , but not this one . Should off upped your stake and gone for glory . Pussy ?

    Wormweed WANTED $42

    Unbelievable how many blind people watch your vids. Maybe it’s the same glue sniffer you posted on twitter?

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Wormweed wrote:

    Unbelievable how many blind people watch your vids. Maybe it’s the same glue sniffer you posted on twitter?

    That’s a bit harsh if glue sniffers ??

    GIRTH32 WANTED $16

    What a fuck wit you are if you are a regular you would no where he is this week so don’t think any of us cares about your win after being a rude bellend

    SlottyPaul WANTED $5

    What a tit. Wish you would go skint and have your internet switched off if this is the shit you come out with

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    SlottyPaul wrote:

    What a tit. Wish you would go skint and have your internet switched off if this is the shit you come out with

    He will never go skint , with his low pay low winnings , what ever the fuck that means ?

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Eightblack wrote:

    Well fuck me here we are, a genuine fuckwit in the wild… Obviously you haven’t listened or you’d know he’s away due to family issues which obviously come first, and he has topped reel king in the mean time, if you go on twitter.


    Did the lack of bandit content really cause you so much upset you had to go and complain on his site despite the absence being explained to you? Or are you just a sour cunt

    Sipping bleach is better than water for some people, I reckon.

    Is it bad that I read this in David attenborough’s voice???

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