Help out?

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  • #29406
    notrege WANTED $41

    So these days i find myself on the forum quite a look lurking in the shadows and making the occasional comments/thread

    is there anyway i can help out further?

    I’ve already offered my development services but could do moderation or raise awareness – just anything to help build the community because sometimes on a slow day i’m just waiting for someone to post something interesting. I don’t want to go off and advertise it/link to the site without expressed permissions also


    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Thanks for the offer mate, you are welcome to talk about it wherever you see fit tbh – it is getting busier and i’m really enjoying reading all the chats going on, moderation wise Seedy usually has it sorted but i may well look in to extra mods at some point, i think the issue is that with it being a custom build a certain level of access will be required to the back end of the site and then i’l have to really know that person, like Seedy is a friend of many years for example, of course i am not saying anything untoward would happen with that level of access but you can never be too careful haha

    notrege WANTED $41

    No worries I totally understand Iā€™m in development myself so get what has to go on


    keep me in mind if anything comes up šŸ™‚

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