Help with gambling.

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  • #48964
    88fortunesmaster WANTED $1

    Hi guys,


    just looking for some support to get my self out off gambling really.


    Ive been gambling for almost 10 years and have gambled a lot off money since then I’ve had a few big wins 20k here 10k there but I’m gambling more and more money on a regular occasion. I use to start gambling on small stakes 50p 75p now I’m doing £25 -£88 spins on certain games last night I deposited £500 got to £3300 and lost the lot I then deposited another £3500 so now I’m £4K in !!! It’s a joke on what I’m doing to my self!! I’m lying to cover my gambling issues I’m sitting here not looking for no sympathy from any one as it’s my fault I’m like this but I need help or advice in how I can over come this. I can’t go to rehab as I’ve got small children who depend on me for finances from work. I’ve been to GA meetings and hate going there as it just makes me think more and more about gambling. Bookies gambling I can control and normally win almost every time I go in one but I can’t control my online gambling. I just want more and more every single time!! I won £20k a few months ago I’ve given misses half and used another half to start my own business which failed after I gambled all the profit I made!! I’ve still got £16k left from my earnings and winnings but im afraid I will gamble it all away any help or support would be greatly appreciated. Apps on how to avoid gambling what I can do with my bank without my self looking like a right twat!!


    thanks guys!!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Have a read of this page to start with mate –




    I would personally say, stick with 1 casino and set a weekly deposit limit of say £250. That is pitched at something it looks like you can afford and would still be able to quench your thirst for a bit of gaming, sometimes complete cold turkey isn’t the way – you need to tell us a bit more really, do you think that sort of solution could work or would you rather a complete gambling blackout?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Your half way there mate just by putting this post up. Get registered on gamstop. This will block your online gambling. It’s quick and easy to set up. We’ve all been there. I’m currently using the gamstop service and half been over 3 months. If your ever feeling down or fancy a chat there is always someone on the forum. Good luck. ?

    aps31 WANTED $15



    Join gamstop this will ban you from all casinos for a period of time of your choosing. 6 months.1 year or 5 years. Currently only a couple of casinos you can join while under game stop and these two are a bit hit and miss if you can sing up to them. Obviously won’t stop you going into bookies or real casinos but it sounds like your issue is online.


    i wouldn’t try GA as it just made me want to gamble when I listened to other people’s storys. And to be fair most of them are a bit depressing a bit like this forum as become but I think that will be down to the lack of the videos from the bandit(not a criticism just an observation)

    scottj130208 WANTED $22

    I’m similar to you but been 20 years for me I’m now on gam stop not gambled online for a while now and can’t for at least 6 months get registered on a blocking site there’s a few here and bandit has a thread for this on here . Set aside what you have left winnings money wise maybe pass it on to a trusted person . Your in the right place on thus forum there is a lot of helpful people here

    88fortunesmaster WANTED $1

    Thanks for the advice guys. I think a complete stop to gambling is in order!! If I’m being honest when I win I don’t get the buzz I use to any more!! I win an go fuck it I’ll go for another big one!! It’s just out off control. I agree bookies is a bit off fun for me and I know my limits in there too but the problem is online gambling a touch off s button an I’m 4K down it’s like wtf how did that happen and to be honest the only reason it stopped at that was because my bank refused to let anymore money out my bank until I phoned them to say it was me!! What does gam stop do ? Does it stop me personally signing up to gambling sites then? Also thanks bandit I’ll take a look at thay forum page I didn’t know there was one on here lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Yeah Gamstop is pretty good if you are a resident of the UK, it will basically self exclude you from all the casinos that are registered on the scheme, which is a shit ton of them these days!

    88fortunesmaster WANTED $1

    Awesome I’ll check it out thanks bandit

    aps31 WANTED $15

    88fortunesmaster wrote:

    Thanks for the advice guys. I think a complete stop to gambling is in order!! If I’m being honest when I win I don’t get the buzz I use to any more!! I win an go fuck it I’ll go for another big one!! It’s just out off control. I agree bookies is a bit off fun for me and I know my limits in there too but the problem is online gambling a touch off s button an I’m 4K down it’s like wtf how did that happen and to be honest the only reason it stopped at that was because my bank refused to let anymore money out my bank until I phoned them to say it was me!! What does gam stop do ? Does it stop me personally signing up to gambling sites then? Also thanks bandit I’ll take a look at thay forum page I didn’t know there was one on here lol

    You ask what gamstop does.

    When you join they will ask you for your details. Name, address, postcode. Dob, email adress etc. This goes in there data base and circulated to all casinos registered with them.all uk casinos had to be registered with them by the end of last year but there are a few dragging there feet so that date as been pushed back to June this year I think. Within 24 hours all casinos you are currently a member of will have blocked you from logging and will not send you any marketing emails. Any money you have in these acounts will be put back into your bank. And you will be unable to join any new casinos as the data you proved to gamstop is the same data you need to join casinos. People are joing casinos while they are registered with gamstop by changing bits of there name but this will cause issues when withdrawing etc so it’s a bit pointless. It won’t stop you getting a friend or family member to sing up as some people are doing this and transferring them the money so if you think that I something you would do maybe ask them to join to as it’s free and really easy. The link to gamstop is in my earlier post.

    bishman WANTED $84

    It’s easy to gamble 4k when you’ve won money as somehow it doesn’t feel the same as if it was coming from your own earnings.  It’s very easy to do but the upside is that you still have 16k left which is an amazing amount of money.  Join gamstop or just set really small limits and play small stakes to get through the boredom.

    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

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    If you only gamble online then set deposit limits and if you want to spend say £500 a month split it between accounts or just one. Then it should help with the urges and if you open a new account set the limit straight away. If you want to stop completely then go for that as it proboably for the best  way to do it. Im struggling the now but as long as I dont put up my deposit limits will be fine its the urge to gamble the messes me up

    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    Also it help speaking to peopke on here as they have great advice and it lets you have a rant and get it all off your chest and sometimes that can be enough.

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