Fucking awesome the fact your trying to mix up the flavours at the mo… to many stale breads out there. Shame a small part can’t give you props for trying out new styles (especially when everybody else is staying still) without there being a conspiracy theory, ( Craigslots…. not cool and you know what you were suggesting and why you were ) or constructive criticism that isn’t “ throw away 100k” a video….
you said once “ this is my sesh and you’re watching over my shoulder “ good mantra going forward…..you’ve had stellar ideas and the great ones are when your interacting with people or subs, beat the bandit, the World Cup, when your wife randomly topped reel king, give @seedy a mic and throw darts at him all day…..but at least your trying new things, it shows you care about what your putting out…
@seedy …….. cmon you know it’s a good idea…. we could tape you to a spinning chilli wheel and everything…..