Hey bartender….

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  • #118622
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    When you take his next pint over, can you ask him if he has any concrete plans for the channel and content please.

    Thanks. Oh and I’ll have fish an chips.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    In all fairness, 19 videos in 5 weeks is the best bandit has ever done. Even beating the moaned for till it happened then moaned about till it stopped 6 O’clock slots series.

    I think we will get fairly regular videos, fairly sensible stakes and lots of people moaning that he’s not spinning £150 spins on wonky anymore (not that wonky is alive now to do that anyway)

    What would you like to see in this upcoming year?

    #edit# hope you get your fish and chips 👍

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Xbobmad wrote:

    In all fairness, 19 videos in 5 weeks is the best bandit has ever done. Even beating the moaned for till it happened then moaned about till it stopped 6 O’clock slots series.

    I think we will get fairly regular videos, fairly sensible stakes and lots of people moaning that he’s not spinning £150 spins on wonky anymore (not that wonky is alive now to do that anyway)

    What would you like to see in this upcoming year?

    #edit# hope you get your fish and chips 👍

    Be careful when you ask for Chips.


    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Bloody disgusting of you to come and complain like this.

    What would you like to see in this upcoming year?

    #edit# hope you get your fish and chips 👍

    Clearly some of the slot audience masses love a bit of bandit and even though he is a bellend, I agree and enjoy watching, have done for a long time. Strikes me bandit is genuinely the most favoured slot streamer there is for us uk folks.

    So if someone can use a beer towel and beer tray, one to wipe his face after the other has whacked him round the bonce from his drunken stupor, be nice to know what his possible intentions are for the year, if any.

    dutchphoto81 WANTED $9

    I’m not a fan of slating people online (tough keyboard warriors an all that bollocks) but Farahtrousers you are one irritating fucker!
    Isn’t about time you fucked off somewhere else or got a hobby.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    dutchphoto81 wrote:

    I’m not a fan of slating people online (tough keyboard warriors an all that bollocks) but Farahtrousers you are one irritating fucker! Isn’t about time you fucked off somewhere else or got a hobby.

    I’m sure farahtrousers means no harm, people have different senses of humour which sometimes is really hard to convey on a forum message board 😀

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    You should worry more about your intentions for the year pal!! Because if you’re trying to come across as some sort of Comedian?,,. It’s not working!! I’ve read most of your comments and you do come across as slightly rude/inappropriate. You do know you have to be 18 years old here? Good day sir..

    Btcal WANTED $12

    Pretty positive matey is Mr B.

    Weird passive aggressive vibes.

















    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Xbobmad wrote:

    dutchphoto81 wrote:

    I’m a fan of [censored] people online (I do not profess to like keyboard warriors whether they have bollocks or not) but Farahtrousers you are one irritating fucker! Isn’t about time you put on a farah tshirt and farah flipflops to match ?.

    I’m sure farahtrousers means boiled ham, people have different cents of a dollar which sometimes is really hard determine on a forum message board conveyor belt😀

      I think it is only right and fair that in emoji class, no one is draggable. I remember writing a thread on here and it was like it was invisible. But it did clearly state that I am a huge genuine fan of Sir Stevie or Banditingtonshire. Oh and farahtrousers does not now or ever, mean boiled ham. I can’t actually believe you said that.

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Smoothoperator wrote:

    <p>You should worry more about your intentions for the year pal!!

    That’s quite innocuous advice considering you have zero idea if I have any intentions for the year. I have a question for you but I daren’t ask it.

    Smoothoperator wrote:

    Because if you’re trying to come across as some sort of Comedian?,,. It’s not working!!

    I am neither trying to be a comedian nor do I give two feathery ducks if it is working. The first, obviously, cancelling out the second.

    Smoothoperator wrote:

    I’ve read most of your comments and you do come across as slightly rude/inappropriate.

    Would you like me to apologise because you can’t digest what I write ? I’m sorry for any banter. I posted zero hatred to you, any member of this forum, or bandit & co.

    and one more thing… because i saw what you wrote the other day

    Smoothoperator wrote:


    I’m not your pal, friend or otherwise. Not understanding what I am saying and speaking to me like that in real life would be beyond inappropriate.

    Come on girls. If you don’t like the banter or understand the contribution, jog on or ask. If I say something bad about you or someone you care about, point it out and I will happily apologise, genuinely.

    As xbox clearly states, I mean no harm and actually haven’t posted anything more than banter except for one comment about one person who has nothing to do with this site.

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52


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