Hey, love watching

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  • #96911
    babyalien WANTED $3

    Hi all,

    I’m new to forum here and been watching back in a mo over on YouTube a couple of weeks. The first video I saw was his 40k special and I felt so bad for him, but then seeing his other videos, much better again.

    I like his laid back style, and it was funny to hear him saying various expressions in the gaming session I thought were confined to my bedroom when I played.

    Insta-death probably the most common.

    I put a crazy story in the other forum section when/if it gets allowed, from 3 years back, where I had ten pounds phone credit that I couldn’t claim back, so created a casino account and played it… And won. The entire story felt especially good because I know they do that sort of thing, in reverse, probably at least one every day,t someone somewhere.



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