Hitting the Casino Withdrawal Limit

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  • #22041
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    A little update on this one, I had a number of withdrawals denied on the first attempt which returned £13,200 ish back to my videoslots account – I tried to withdraw again straight away, i went for 4 lots of £2,300 and they were processed and arrived in my bank yesterday?! I thought that was a bit odd. It has still left £4k off sat there, which i am happy to report i haven’t touched lol I have no intention of touching it either really – my weekend booster was added on top of it today and that was over £300! I would usually play that off tbh but such is the account position, there is kind of no point right now is there!

    BSK1 WANTED $48

    I’m surprised they let you take as much as they did, they will earn money off holding yours. Great videos by the way. Even that low stake one was brilliant

    fair play mate. Let me know when your are doing meet up next time !!!

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