Holy crap, JB was right…

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  • #77687
    Anonymous WANTED $9

    Malkychamp wrote:

    Why is it so hard to understand – you referenced the daily mail he made a little joke about them it’s that simple.

    That’s it there is no deeper meaning now perhaps try and sleep

    ah but if hes using the daily mail as a reference…then  he needs to be using….MSN, SKY NEWS, BBC RADIO, TWITTER,FACEBOOK….these are the sources covering the subject…why is he trying to single out  ‘the daily mail’ and in what context would ‘brown ppl’ be used in correlation to that context ????

    Anonymous WANTED $9

    Eightblack wrote:

    He made a joke about the daily mail always blaming things on brown people if you can’t understand that at this point you are beyond help

    Fuck you, you cant understand…there is no fucking correlation. their is no ‘context’…its was a fucking lame attempt to start a rasict row on my thread…and you can stfu n fuck off 8black, nothing you have to say is of any intellect you foul mouthered abusive little twat.

    Anonymous WANTED $9

    Eightblack wrote:

    He made a joke about the daily mail always blaming things on brown people if you can’t understand that at this point you are beyond help

    At what point in time does a newspaper blame things on ‘brown people’…you odd fucking werido….either a reporter or the editor writes and prints a story, not a fucking newspaper. A newspaper is what their story is printed onto…..how fucking dumb to try and bring brown people into the conversation….what on earth did that have to do with my post about footballers and casino affiliates ???? EXPLAIN

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    He singles out daily mail cause that was in line with his humour next…

    Anonymous WANTED $9

    Malkychamp wrote:

    He singles out daily mail cause that was in line with his humour next…

    What the fuck are you talking about ‘his humour’ whats that got to do with a profession footballer using a casino affiliation ??? absolutely….fuck you you twat.


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Bye jon ??

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Yes your right it has nothing to do with it. It was a daily mail joke, can you now grasp that?

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Seedy wrote:

    Bye jon ??

    shame I still had a couple of hours free 😀

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Seedy wrote:

    Bye jon ??

    (it’s funny cause of seedy’s wonky Profile pick )

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    Seedy wrote:

    Bye jon ??

    Amen to that brother! ?

    centipede WANTED $36

    jon scholes wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    He made a joke about the daily mail always blaming things on brown people if you can’t understand that at this point you are beyond help

    Fuck you, you cant understand…there is no fucking correlation. their is no ‘context’…its was a fucking lame attempt to start a rasict row on my thread…and you can stfu n fuck off 8black, nothing you have to say is of any intellect you foul mouthered abusive little twat.

    oh the irony of this post

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    jon scholes wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    Liberty wrote:

    Look… Someone seems to have offered up the daily heil as a source. Rbreen has made a joke about how the daily fail links bad news to immigration, hence this Brexit flustercluck

    You’ve gone balls deep on it. Fuck knows why but it’s as obvious as the sun provides light on earth what rbreen meant your lack of comprehension is your own issue.

    P.s. if you read the daily tails for news then you’re being mislead.


    ON PAGE 3 NO LESS!!!!

    It seems your not either reading or are just here to cause trouble. So take note of what was said dont try twisting it anymore or picking holes in it etc as frankly I gave already had enough.

    I think you will find it was me who brought up ‘the daily mail’ but I didn’t mention ‘Sky news, BBC Radio, Msn News, Facebook, Twitter. which ALL covered the topic I posted about.

    Now you’ve either missed it or haven’t understood these two messages on m y thread….

    9th August 2019 at 10:06 am #76993
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    WANTED $388
    This was brought up on the radio this morning, some head of church or something saying rooney has a responsibility for the kids who look upto him rather than his bank balance. Never heard so much crap coming from a man of God no less ??

    9th August 2019 at 10:19 am
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    WANTED $373
    Malkychamp wrote:
    This was brought up on the radio this morning, some head of church or something saying rooney has a responsibility for the kids who look upto him rather than his bank balance. Never heard so much crap coming from a man of God no less
    Church dudes are always chatting shit.. Tryna tell me a beard man in the sky makes my choices and dinosaurs never happened.. Things like evidence miss those guys

    This one proved my point. You’re a delusional idiot.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    For the record – that was 95% Mr. B, and not JB. I’d be pretty confident with that assumption, everything about him screamed mr. b

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    For the record – that was 95% Mr. B, and not JB. I’d be pretty confident with that assumption, everything about him screamed mr. b

    Yeah, I would say that as well ?

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Because there was an instant hatred for me ?

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