Honest opinion of the recent return

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  • #102648
    StevieG WANTED $17

    My initial reaction to the first bonus hunt was of slight disappointment. Bandit is by far my favourite content creator and the reason for that is largely due to the fact that through his videos, we get to follow his personal gambling session.

    I reserved judgement but remembered saying to myself “I bet he hops to a different casino each day of the week” and with today’s video it looks like I was spot on. This just feels like a shift in the primary focus of your channel.

    It feels impersonal. It’s bottled and labelled. What used to feel like sitting with a mate, railing a sesh, now feels like I’m watching any other casino affiliate who is, bluntly put, at work.

    By all means, make money. We all want him to make a good living and will support him in doing that, as we have done with Kwiff, StakeKings and by using his links. I just feel that there are better ways to absolutely print money from Bandit’s position as an affiliate without losing that authentic feel.

    Priddy WANTED $3

    I have to be honest Steve it’s great to have you back but I’m enjoying this style of video much less ,mainly because I feel before your videos where a journey we went on together ,example the rages when a bonus took a while and the in plays the buzz between bonuses ,but mainly loved the non predictability of your videos ,and I don’t feel the same emotion with the bonus hunts ,but definitely would rather have them than nothing and I understand you have to reduce limits but maybe try starting at a quid then building to £5 as a big bet as you go through the stakes rather than 5 quid to 40 quid maybe I think the videos would be better

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Just out of interest, how much affiliation has been pushed in the videos?

    It can’t be the same casino each day because he’s been recording and getting ahead, so the grind had to be 4 casinos on 4 pcs.

    The new format isn’t for everyone, Bandit himself has acknowledged that. He’s also said that he’s bored of the format already so you probably won’t have to worry too much longer.

    SlotsCrack WANTED $62

    When cool streamers go commercial, i’m out.

    siro WANTED $1

    The real truth of it maybe that other income streams (e.g.Soccer millions) have dried up due to covid, so Bandit may have reinvented his streaming/video portion of his livelyhood by coming up with this new 5 times a week format (when we were lucky to see a video every 3 or 4 weeks recently). Or i could equally be full of crap.

    I am happy about it though, whatever his motives because i enjoy his streams/videos so much.



    TrickyCorn WANTED $8

    I just watched the latest video and have to agree with the sentiment above, these are not the ‘bandit’ style videos you were famous for.

    Every dick head and their dog does this sort of format nowadays and whilst watching bonuses back to back is the way to go, the way you’ve already lined them up removes a lot of the mystery and suspense.

    You tend to feel let down a lot by the wins on these bonuses being 50 quid here, 80 quid there but you have to remember, you’re only betting 2 quid a spin.  A 30-50x win is pretty standard for a lot of games and the fact you’re constant disappointed with the result just confirms these stakes are not thrilling you at all anymore.

    Indeed, how do you come back from 20 & 30k tops on Reel King or 100k of a 6 quid bet on Jars and get ‘excited’ for a 100 quid win on a 2 pound bet?

    Sad reality is, you can’t and it comes across very clearly in your current lot of videos.

    ‘Oh I won 200 quid!  Yay… I guess?

    Yeah, it’s pretty clear and obvious in your videos now.

    You have set your own benchmark on an ‘exciting’ win pretty high now and whilst you can go through the motions on these 3k bonus hunts daily, it’s pretty clear that it’s just not doing it for you at all and your viewers are picking up on it.

    So the question here really is will this be the format for you moving forward and that’s it?

    Because sure as hell, this channel will fade into obscurity really fast and that 100k button you are seeking on YouTube will be a pipe dream.


    I completely appreciate that you have to be responsible on your gambling and the crazy 100k+ swings of fortune are a fast track to bust town.

    I completely appreciate that you cannot please everyone either.

    But I will say that trying to re bottle the genie on your channel’s format that quite frankly made you famous is going to be almost possible at this point.

    You’re the Bandit for a reason.  You have a name out there in the community for a reason.

    These current 3k bonus hunts?  They’re considered boring, low stakes even by common standards out there today and it’s clear from your tone of voice, reactions and general disinterest you’re feeling the same thing.


    I have to agree with a lot of others.  I waited for baited breath for the weekly degen madness you’re renown for.  Those roller coaster sessions where it was clear you were on the line and the emotion in your void was real is just not there at all in these videos.

    These videos today even Nick Slots would scoff at and say you’re a light weight and lost your edge 🙂

    These videos are the equivalent of a McDonald’s drive through experience.  It gets the job done, but it’s generic, tame, has no wow factor at all and everyone involved is just bored to be there.

    Jonny WANTED $2

    it’s just great to have you back Steve you do you mate

    Slot WANTED $51

    I wach him long time,last night video was very boring,most of games he play last night was very boring,I will not even spend 1 min playing that bird game,looks like someone his doing his bonus not caring much what game he play,just to do his job get bonus who cares what game it is,hop sunday slot will not be the same, I think to make more not boring he should change his bets every day mon £1 tus £2 wed £3 thu £4 fri £5,

    I know is hard to go back on £2 bet from £40 bet,and when you play high bets all time you lose value of money and have no much of the feeling for £2 bet

    dudese WANTED $4

    I have to echo the above really.

    I dont mind bonus hunts, but I watch the bandit for his style of play and you just dont get that with these types of videos. I also agree that the “thrill” just isnt there any more at these stakes. Somewhat for the watchers and bandit alike. Theres lots of issues like bankroll/keeping everyone happy/not doing bollocks, etc, so its not always as simple as banging it on 40 quid stake, but I feel something needs to change/the format.

    I also appreciate this style of play will be easier to make videos, but im not sure its the way forward, as the general feedback is not great, and the videos feel very “samey”. Im not up to date on them yet which is normally not the case, but im all bonus hunted out after the first video lol.

    A minimum of 1 quality video every week/few weeks would be a better option imo, and surely take the same or less time than churning out 5 a week, but I dont know the reasonings behind this new format or if it was only ever a trial or what, so maybe the positives will outweigh the negatives for the bandit, and for personal/business reasons, I trust bandit will overcome this little “hump”, if I can even call it that.

    mega WANTED $27

    its great to have the bandit back but tbh the videos are absolute shite (my opinion) 1st one was ok ish but my feelings towards this mini series have declined. For me its the games, boring-,low-res, low -potential, just boring games. i would rather see a 10p heart stopper on lil devil.

    I really hope you dont take offense to this bandit as its just my opinion but its not my cup of tea, david lebowski constantly does £10 stake bonus hunts and i find them boring as well, its not  all about the stake for me, its a combination of the potential win (compared to the stake) and the streamers personality

    Bio_Logical WANTED $2

    Bandit wrote:

    “if the funds are there”

    Bandit has admitted that things will happen if and when the funds are there. SO if you enjoy watching Bandit and I mean truly enjoy watching HIM then you have no issue if the stakes are 20p or £20. Yes, the insane money is more exciting but it isn’t everything and some of you folks should refrain from speaking for EVERYONE because you just can’t and are wrong to do so.

    I remember watching £1,000 bonus buys on vikings and my heart literally telling me to stop watching. Well I mean, I felt every gamble. Sat there literally wishing he would press collect and yes, that is the height of emotion from a viewers point and what’s more, he shows it in himself too. Those who see that, won’t be sitting here wondering if Bandit is using fake funds.

    But we who care to admit it, know there are two sides to Bandits gambling enjoyment. There are £300 wins and £3,000 wins that are, in the right place and time, no joy for him, just a tiny relief. There are other times where a £50 win seems nice to see and of course a £40k top is fucking backflip out the bedroom window into the paddling pool euphoric. But at no point is Bandit truly running with zero interest in wins the average joe finds good.

    100k rollercoasters cannot be maintained and that is standard for 99.9% of the world. It’s not exactly difficult to imagine it’s not something Bandit can keep doing. See the quote above. He really said that. That alludes to the reality.

    Slots are not for profit for the public. They are a guaranteed losing streak over time. So Bandit has to factor in making money and staying afloat. Standard stuff.

    Trying to dictate how everyone feels is nonsense. Some of us see a bigger picture or a different aspect.

    He’s a bit of a twat.. that’s why we love watching him. I’ve been sat here with my wife and said “he’s gonna need a lie down” and then he literally says it and we burst out laughing. Just one example of how we have positively enjoyed his vids. He has given fuck loads to charity. He feels down to earth like Hypa. He doesnt feel fake like others we could mention.

    Take a real risk and open your mind to other peoples aspects and you might realise you can enjoy the idiot.

    Don’t sit there and say EVERYONE, I am part of everyone and I am nothing to do with Bandit other than enjoying his vids. Therefore you are wrong.

    towels WANTED $3

    I think everyone worries too much about justifying if he’s a good person or a bad person or this kind of nonsense.

    The Bandit’s Slot Channel… is a business like a popular TV show.

    He’s the star.

    I got sucked into this idea about how streamers make their money, what’s going on behind the scenes blah blah.

    But recently I’ve just gone more with – is this enjoyable/does it bring some fun to my life/is it better than X alternative crap on YouTube when I’m unwinding at night and chilling in bed.

    The truth is for a lot of us almost all of Bandit’s content is good for what we want it for. He might be a nice guy. He might be a dick. I don’t see why we care – he’s just a character that he created to entertain and to make a living for himself and his family. Enjoy! or don’t I guess.

    TrickyCorn WANTED $8

    Bandit has admitted that things will happen if and when the funds are there. SO if you enjoy watching Bandit and I mean truly enjoy watching HIM then you have no issue if the stakes are 20p or £20. Yes, the insane money is more exciting but it isn’t everything and some of you folks should refrain from speaking for EVERYONE because you just can’t and are wrong to do so.

    IMHO this is one area I believe there was a fundamental error made on removing the ability to comment on YouTube.

    Funneling all video feedback to this site where people need to create an account, have a presence and ensure their commentary (no matter how blunt or nasty) can be filtered out essentially ensures the ONLY feedback you’ll see is positive.

    The feedback loop is a critical tool for any content creator to have access to, in all it’s uncluttered and unfiltered glory.

    If we cut that off just so feelings are not hurt, we actually break the medium to give feedback that’s honest, direct and valuable at all.

    I don’t think anyone is speaking for everyone else here at all, as much as trying to give feedback that’s supportive and critical without crossing the mod boundary of accepted standards.

    In the end, the only real feedback Steve will get on whether this format is accepted or not at the present time will come from the upvote / downvote ratio on his videos and the YouTube metric reports on the back end.

    The majority of feedback here will honestly be tainted because it’s going to be dominated by positive posts and moderated.

    mrrickers WANTED $3

    I watch the Bandit because he is the best.  I love the way the man talks, he tells it as it is and is damn funny.

    Getting mad at slots, awesome.  Come on, we all have done that and to have a recording of it on youtube or here is sick.

    I support the Bandit, yea, I live in the USA where we cannot do that stuff and those who have tried are like snot dripping from your nose, they suck.  Bandit gives us his experience, he is spending his money for this and we all saw things were getting too high.

    The fact he won 100K on one bonus round says it all: things went up and over the top.  His reaction to that was epic, he was in shock and we would be.

    I am glad he is back and no my head is not up his ass, I just think anything he puts out is Bandit and his slot play.

    If he were to ever take someone elses casino hunt and talk over it, it would be funny as hell.

    I am glad for the guy, I appreciate 5 videos a week and yea I will watch them over and over because I am a sicko who wants to see those larger than life wins.

    So, Bandit, keep firing because you are hitting the target every time!

    Simple7 WANTED $3

    I personally am really enjoying the 6PM bonus hunts. It’s a little different yes but enjoyable. I presume that someone is collecting the bonuses on Steve’s behalf ready for him to open. He will still be doing high stakes videos so that’s an extra bonus.

    Just spent the last 5 months watching every video by steve and several were watched several times.

    I cant thank the bandit enough for entertaining me with the videos and I hope he can keep them coming.

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