Hospital with sick kids

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    @retroloser just wondering how your little one is doing mate is he any better

    Retroloser WANTED $21

    THAGABSTAR wrote:

    @retroloser just wondering how your little one is doing mate is he any better

    Thanks for asking mate ,
    second night of been keeped in ,my turn last night to sat with him lack of sleep is a killer up here ,he is improveing just alot of test just waiting for results,
    His oxagain levels are not were they should be ,hes in a room by our self just incase what he has spreads,
    everyone comeing into room need masks and gloves ,to be on safe side ,hopefully the results are back today,
    Im hopeing to be out with him today hopefully ,drinking has improved alot but not its his oxagain levels,
    iv took a few days off but im sopose to be back 2mo hopeing for the best,
    thanks will update when i get a chance

    Monito WANTED $26

    Steller wrote:

    Monito wrote:

    Another example of why the NHS should be privatised. Most Doctors don’t give a crap any more, they got their funding for you and will try their damn best not to give certain treatments to save as much as they can. These days you literally need to be arrogant and fight for acceptable care because if not, you are just going to be fobbed off more often than not.

    If it was private and operated through insurance policies, they would need to improve care and their service as they would strive to be your primary health care provider to stop you spending money elsewhere.

    I hope your son feels better soon, I am sure he willl be well soon. All the best at work too, sounds like its gonna be a tiring one!

    Sorry, but you are making gross generalisations there. Yes,the NHS does not work perfectly all the time in every hospital and there is the odd Doctor and Nurse that “dont give a crap” and at mistakes are made. However, most of the time the vast majority of the NHS staff do a fantastic job! Wonderful with my mum on her regular visits (she brings them a box of chocolates cuz they’re so lovely) and with me  when i broke my arm. Just watch any episode of 24 hours in A and E and see what a great job they’re doing for us day in day out.

    Certainly not saying they are all bad. I agree they do some fantastic work but some trusts are severely below standard, in many cases at no fault of their own but it does risk patient care.

    They will always be good at things you have mentioned like injuries and how they have cared for your Mum which is great, but I am certain there has been other people in very similar situations as you who received below standard care. It depends on the trust who is offering the services in my opinion.

    Most complaints come from long term illness care, mental health care and infection control which needs to be fixed asap before it gets worse. You never need to look too far to find a horror story regarding the NHS.

    It’s just a case of a minority letting down what could be something truly amazing (like it used to be)

    Monito WANTED $26

    Retroloser wrote:

    THAGABSTAR wrote:

    @retroloser just wondering how your little one is doing mate is he any better

    Thanks for asking mate , second night of been keeped in ,my turn last night to sat with him lack of sleep is a killer up here ,he is improveing just alot of test just waiting for results,
    His oxagain levels are not were they should be ,hes in a room by our self just incase what he has spreads,
    everyone comeing into room need masks and gloves ,to be on safe side ,hopefully the results are back today,
    Im hopeing to be out with him today hopefully ,drinking has improved alot but not its his oxagain levels,
    iv took a few days off but im sopose to be back 2mo hopeing for the best,
    thanks will update when i get a chance

    Sounds like an improvement. You must be worried an exhausted with all this! Sounds like he is a little soldier and will be fine!!

    I see you are from Ireland, which part? Anywhere near Offaly?


    Brilliant news hes on the mend mate keep us updated ? hes back to himself soon

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