I have a different opinion, so I’m a conspiracy theorist?

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    Anonymous WANTED $483

    So i have a different opinion about online casinos and how they manipulate the masses into losing money. Does this make me crazy or a deluded person?

    Because it seems like most people replying to my topics and reply’s are saying i am some kind of Conspiracy Theorist. Just because i have a different opinion, and then go on to give facts and other information that the casinos may be fraudulent. Does not make me deluded. In fact it makes me kind of a nice guy doesn’t it? I mean if i can give info and facts about something i think is in no way a fair game. Then obviously I’m just a guy looking out for other guys.

    And if people are replying to my comments with passive aggressive remarks, and then i reply salty back. Does that make me any worse?

    Seems to me that there are quite a few FAKERS <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>in this forum who aren’t being entirely truthful. (Whooo a conspiracy) ;-)</span>

    So I’m gonna Scoot off back to my hole, because I’m obviously never going to get anywhere here.

    Good luck to all the true non fake gamblers out there like me.

    Peace and Carrots



    argyl53 WANTED $419

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    Alright guys, time to come clean. Yes Basics, you’re completely right about everything. I get paid by several poker sites and online casinos to pretend I’m a normal player who sometimes wins, sometimes loses when the truth is no real players like yourself have ever won a penny. Bonus round in Secret of the Stones? Doesn’t even exist outside of fake propaganda videos. Jackpot slots? Oh please, you think anyone actually wins that £1m Major? Even The Bandit is in on it too; in fact, this whole site and forum was set up as a distraction, to discredit people like you and catch more pigeons in the trap. Our employers get very worried when they see truth-sayers like you exposing our big scam, so our job is to paint your informative, irrefutable evidence of rigging and corruption as “unsubstantiated rambling”, “nothing more than Google searches” or “YouTube videos which prove nothing”….you get the idea.

    This isn’t about money, though. The truth is far more shocking. We exist to protect what some people call a “global elite”, others “the Illuminati”. They go by other names too. They own every casino, every bookies, every poker site, all over the world. Who are they, really? The anwer will seem extraordinary, but it’s true: shapeshifting reptilian aliens from the fifth dimension. You see, we need the masses to keep their eyes closed because if they could see what’s really happening around them, the matrix would collapse, it would bring chaos to the new world order. Bread and circuses and all that. So we let them have their ipads and their gambling and their mint choc chip ice cream because when we do that, they never realise the years they spend working, the credit cards they buy things on, the latest Nike trainers they think look fancy and feel comfortable on their feet – it’s all just serving us, like good little chess pieces moving to the squares we tell them.

    Every hand you’ve ever played, every slot you’ve ever spun, every near-miss that made your heart beat a little faster….all by design, to keep you in your square with your eyes closed. You never had a chance.

    The best part? We’ve even got you hook, line and sinker. You know what’s happening and yet when you read this, you’ll assume I’m just making fun of you. I can literally tell you what we’re doing to you and you still won’t believe it. How’s that for the sheeple?

    Sneakie WANTED $2

    Give it a rest will you? You seem to either be a massive troll or have issues with dealing with people – this is the 2nd thread you’ve made about this and you can’t not reply to someone and let it go.


    A lot of the stuff you post is absolute rubbish, which is why people then take everything you say as rubbish even if you have a valid point.


    And reference your comment “to give facts and other information that the casinos may be fraudulent”

    1. Stating the word “fact” doesn’t make it a fact.

    2. The sentence is an oxymoron – if it’s a fact then it cannot mean “may” be fraudulent, it would be “must” – therefore you have self doubt yourself.


    Casino’s have no need to cheat, they have the House Edge.

    Some casino’s may – but they’re the ones that anyone with an IQ over 70 would avoid.

    You have lost all your money on (at least mainly) legitimate sites and you need to accept that and move on.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    argyl53 wrote:

    Alright guys, time to come clean. Yes Basics, you’re completely right about everything. I get paid by several poker sites and online casinos to pretend I’m a normal player who sometimes wins, sometimes loses when the truth is no real players like yourself have ever won a penny. Bonus round in Secret of the Stones? Doesn’t even exist outside of fake propaganda videos. Jackpot slots? Oh please, you think anyone actually wins that £1m Major? Even The Bandit is in on it too; in fact, this whole site and forum was set up as a distraction, to discredit people like you and catch more pigeons in the trap. Our employers get very worried when they see truth-sayers like you exposing our big scam, so our job is to paint your informative, irrefutable evidence of rigging and corruption as “unsubstantiated rambling”, “nothing more than Google searches” or “YouTube videos which prove nothing”….you get the idea.

    This isn’t about money, though. The truth is far more shocking. We exist to protect what some people call a “global elite”, others “the Illuminati”. They go by other names too. They own every casino, every bookies, every poker site, all over the world. Who are they, really? The anwer will seem extraordinary, but it’s true: shapeshifting reptilian aliens from the fifth dimension. You see, we need the masses to keep their eyes closed because if they could see what’s really happening around them, the matrix would collapse, it would bring chaos to the new world order. Bread and circuses and all that. So we let them have their ipads and their gambling and their mint choc chip ice cream because when we do that, they never realise the years they spend working, the credit cards they buy things on, the latest Nike trainers they think look fancy and feel comfortable on their feet – it’s all just serving us, like good little chess pieces moving to the squares we tell them.

    Every hand you’ve ever played, every slot you’ve ever spun, every near-miss that made your heart beat a little faster….all by design, to keep you in your square with your eyes closed. You never had a chance.

    The best part? We’ve even got you hook, line and sinker. You know what’s happening and yet when you read this, you’ll assume I’m just making fun of you. I can literally tell you what we’re doing to you and you still won’t believe it. How’s that for the sheeple?

    OMFG Hallelujah

    Its about time someone has put this corrupt fraudulent world into words that we can understand!

    Thankyou so much @argyl53

    You’re 100% on the fucking money with what you wrote mate. Once again thankyou.

    We are all consumers end of story.

    aps31 WANTED $15

    Just Basics wrote:

    So i have a different opinion about online casinos and how they manipulate the masses into losing money. Does this make me crazy or a deluded person?

    Because it seems like most people replying to my topics and reply’s are saying i am some kind of Conspiracy Theorist. Just because i have a different opinion, and then go on to give facts and other information that the casinos may be fraudulent. Does not make me deluded. In fact it makes me kind of a nice guy doesn’t it? I mean if i can give info and facts about something i think is in no way a fair game. Then obviously I’m just a guy looking out for other guys.

    And if people are replying to my comments with passive aggressive remarks, and then i reply salty back. Does that make me any worse?

    Seems to me that there are quite a few FAKERS <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>in this forum who aren’t being entirely truthful. (Whooo a conspiracy) ;-)</span>

    So I’m gonna Scoot off back to my hole, because I’m obviously never going to get anywhere here.

    Good luck to all the true non fake gamblers out there like me.

    Peace and Carrots



    You keep promising to Scot of back to your hole but you kee climb back. And I never really understood why someone needs to announce they are leaving, is it for attention or are you wanting people to beg you not to go? If you think casinos and some players are fake then that’s your right but please  give the I am doing it for you a rest.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Ok then people lets just agree to disagree. Happy Bonus Hunting 😉


    My thankyou above was obviously a joke!

    Listen mate, just because you can write better than me, doesn’t make you in anyway better than me. So take your double bluffing bollocks somewhere else pal. I truly cant stand people like you, who write in such a way to undermine and make people think they are less. Just look at what you wrote and how you worded it. You truly are an nasty piece of work.

    I don’t care if i get banned for writing this. I’ve honestly tried to be nice as possible to @ar whilst writing this….

    but fuck it he’s a Cunt.

    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Oh fucking jog on mate

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    You truly are an nasty piece of work.

    Am i, or is that just what Pokerstars want you to think?

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Jayjay230 wrote:

    Oh fucking jog on mate

    You expect me go silently when you write snidey little comments like that?

    What gives you the right to tell me to jog on? I will do as i please.

    Report my comments i don’t care, I’ve seen loads of people call each other Cunts here in this forum.

    @argyl53 IS a Cunt for writing that passive aggressive double bluffing bollocks. I stand by my statement.

    I’m in no way going to get banned for saying that word because i’m guessing loads of people agree with me, but they won’t say anything cos of playground tactics.

    You guys have berated me from pillar to post with your nasty wording, without once giving me clear and honest reply. But i’m still standing. Do you really think I’m going anywhere after putting this much time and effort into it?

    Your telling me to Jog on?….You’ve posted one comment…..You fucking Jog On!

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    You keep digging that hole deeper, mate. I’m quite content to let other people read all your posts and make up their own minds about which one of us has unnecessary aggression issues.

    Ron101 WANTED $19


    Anonymous WANTED $483

    argyl53 wrote:

    You keep digging that hole deeper, mate. I’m quite content to let other people read all your posts and make up their own minds about which one of us has unnecessary aggression issues.

    I don’t give 2 flying Wombats if i’m digging the hole deeper. I simply won’t let snidey little toss pots like you get me down. Do you think because you write in a different way than me that people wont see you as a passive aggressive fire starter?

    Cos that’s what you are mate. Every comment i’ve posted, even the ones that are just plainly saying i think casino’s are fraudulent. You and a few others have proceeded to write a reply berating me and putting me down with your softly worded hate toned words.

    Listen mate I’m here to stay, and I’m not going anywhere. Just come to terms that i ain’t no sheep like some of you. And just accept that i have a different opinion.

    No need for the snidey reply’s @argyl53 . Just don’t bother wasting you’re time on me. My opinion’s never gonna change mate, so just accept that and move on to berating some other people.

    Cos i know that’s what some of you guys you get off on around here!



    argyl53 WANTED $419

    My opinion’s never gonna change mate, so just accept that and move on to berating some other people.

    And that’s why I can’t take you seriously; your opinion isn’t based on evidence and it can’t be changed by evidence, it’s based on your own bitter feelings towards casinos.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    argyl53 wrote:

    My opinion’s never gonna change mate, so just accept that and move on to berating some other people.

    And that’s why I can’t take you seriously; your opinion isn’t based on evidence and it can’t be changed by evidence, it’s based on your own bitter feelings towards casinos.

    So because you don’t agree with me, and you wont take the so called evidence i’ve provided seriously, you then decide to belittle me?.

    Then cry about my responses when you have deserved every word i’ve written


    Bravo my friend….Bravo.

    Good luck in your Casino ventures.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    You all finished now!!! 🙂 have you got it outta your systems…. ok 😀 lets move on then please.

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