I’m 99.9% this is a scam from main stream provider I need advice on how to prote

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  • #112051
    Vwking192 WANTED $1

    Email to sky support

    Please see photos for said investigation many other players in the chat when they rejoined like me said the same thing had happened to them
    Can you answer why I was kicked off then? Also what you checked was the spin 21:54:54 on your records there was another after, anyway this is clutching at straws, lots of people from that server which I believe only serves sky bet casino gaming customers had the same issue , I will be taking this further if not satisfied with the response, I was specially date and proof evidence at the time before I was kicked off that it was in fact an error and not a kick from server this shouldn’t be hard to find you have data logs of all players at the time of the incident, inside a handy server room, commonly know as buffalo blitz live player data base, including playing records and game history with stakes I believe there could be foul play and I’m sure freedom of information act and lots of publicity will get me the £1080 I should of won fairly, if not more and coat sky a whole lot more. Have a think about what you want to do provide evidence that no one else from that server was kicked which I know for a fact they were as I have spoke to them in the chat which I have records of or pay me what I’m rightfully owed, I guarantee that will not let this lie.

    Kind regards

    Joshua Cooper

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    It’s funny the buffalo team didn’t mention, I wasn’t sure disputing that I should of had the bonus, I know rightfully 100% I should have, however to say their was no fault their end is rubbish I didn’t leave on my own by choice then rush to another site because I decided to go back on the game I had been playing for a long while before with seamlessness no issues. Then decide to kick off, no definitely not your missing the point it’s not about the money really its about the lies and not answering questions clearly that muddies the water even more, if you had said yes we had a glitch 10 people got kicked by accident sorry nothing we can do about it, then that would be that however to lie to me and say no issue your end, I think their is a massive issue your end, something has happened and I want you to tell me what why and what your going to do about it to ensure it doesn’t happen again,

    Kind Regards

    Josh Cooper

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    What I want you to obtain from the game provider is simple,

    Individual User ids that were on on the game at the time of that spin and then for the next say 10 spins, this will show several users being kicked off, there is a data entry that I played the next spin on your records on the buffalo history I have screenshot there is no such entry, why is this, because I never closed the game I was kicked, if they are denying it, you can check on their system data entry log of the manager or person in control at the time of the incident as everything is stored on the computer systems.

    I know this because it’s common sense I wouldn’t go to this length for no reason, I am correct all iam asking for is transparency in this, and the truth will come to light, hopefully you want the same outcome to this as me, the truth and clarity on the situation, please check the evidence is all I ask I am not lying, if I am prove me wrong.

    Kimd regards
    The honest guy with all his morals still intact

    Josh Cooper

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    Has this been logged as an official complaint?

    Please let me know if its has or not, if not this is notice for an official complaint you have 8 weeks maximum to respond until I can take it to the gambling commission and public, can I have a copy of your complaints procedure please

    Kind Regards

    Josh Cooper

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    Sorry can you please can you log this reference number to a complaint as I understand your complaint process is to first ensure that you are aware of a problem I have that needs clarification, which you have just brushed aside with misdirection and not addressed the actual issue.

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    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    With no context or screenshots this is just a wall of text. Can you give it another go please 👍

    Vwking192 WANTED $1

    I have screenshots of the chat logs and if my playing history on the game won’t prove or disprove anything I have no evidence apart from I was playing then for no apparent reason alot of players were booted from the game and then a big win 550x landed when we all managed to get back on we posted in the group chat the same thing happened that we were kicked out and all missed out on the bug win, that’s why I need help to prove we have a case, sky confirmed there had been an issue with game play as the game times and bet history didn’t match up, I will post all screen pictures when I’m home, the message that popped up when around 80 to 120 players were kicked from the game was that the game was full and to try again later… When we all managed to get back on you will see the player count is alot smaller than before so this is a lie, also how can 5hat message pop up when I was in the middle of auto playing? I was suspicious about these live hosted community games from the start, Why would I log into another site to check, the only sence I can make of it is the hosts playtech were 5 maybe 10 spins ahead of the live feed and booted a load of high betting people to save money, if this isn’t the case they would openly let someone check the game history from their own system which I know displays players active, bet sizes, winnings losses for each player and history of connections, they physically have access to boot players for missuse of language and things like that, also why would I spend so much time writing this… Really isn’t about the £1100 I should have won, I’m over it, it’s about exposure the truth and fair play

    Vwking192 WANTED $1
    Vwking192 WANTED $1
    Vwking192 WANTED $1
    Vwking192 WANTED $1

    Images showing players active before the said issue on the sky Vegas website hosted by play tech and also logged into betfairs site and screen shots of the win I missed out on because of the mass kicking

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