I’m a fuck idiot.

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  • #70908
    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    So I’m on Gamban but I find out *Edited Seedy* isn’t one of the registered sites. So I think to myself 4 months no gambling let’s stick £25 in. Playing some DoA2 Decide to go for a spin. 3 spins later I’m in for £500 and am attempting to deposit more from me and my partners joint account. Thank fuck I wasn’t able to do so. Calmed down and blocked myself on the site but I feel like the worst kind of human. Am so happy I wasn’t able to deposit from the joint card or it would have been the end of me.

    Imosofresh WANTED $8

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Just want to say that because of this post I checked *edited Seedy* account as I am registered with Gamban also, found out the account is self excluded but that I have £££ in there which I didn’t realise, so have managed to make a withdrawal so thanks!

    But on a more serious note im sorry to hear what has happened to you, I have definitely been there aswell but you will get through this!

    Drove91 WANTED $1

    guys just keep this fucking things for yourself. I’m on gamban as well and last thing I want to know is casinos that aren’t registered

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Yes please don’t post the name of the casino in your story please and it could make it difficult for others who are trying to work through on Gamban. Thanks

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    My bad seedy. Just delete the topic.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Dynamik23 wrote:

    My bad seedy. Just delete the topic.

    The topic and your story of what you did and happened mate is all fine and is ok to post, we just dont want the casino name here as it could make other people lapse and have a similar experience. Everything is a learning experience mate and hopefully you had can come out the other side of this. ?

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    The best thing to do if you see a site that’s not included in gamban, is to email them and tell them to self exclude you. 🙂

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