Interestingly calling Casumo Andy

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    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Levskie101 wrote:



    Utter madness mate. Doesn’t surprise me though, but how have they came to this decision, just randomly picked an account and the selfie adjudicator decided that you needed to send them one in.

    Perhaps they want to add me to their “Hall of Fame” as Master of Reel King 😀 They should have just asked lol

    Mr B WANTED $395

    I am convinced you aren’t you. I think it’s time you admitted it to yourself Steve. Like a Maury or Jeremy Kyle (what a wanker he is) “you are not the father” moment…..

    You are (we will announce the result after this commercial break) NOT you.

    The DNA test thing per company varies so much, from none to a video wheren “can you pee in a bottle while holding your passport along side a police officer repeatedly stating you are indeed you.”

    Load of bollocks.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Just checked back as to when i had issues with casumo was December 23rd i had a to send a ‘selfie’ with passport then, was not even close to 1 million though

    Levskie101 WANTED $22

    The Bandit wrote:

    Levskie101 wrote:



    Utter madness mate. Doesn’t surprise me though, but how have they came to this decision, just randomly picked an account and the selfie adjudicator decided that you needed to send them one in.

    Perhaps they want to add me to their “Hall of Fame” as Master of Reel King ? They should have just asked lol


    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    The Bandit wrote:

    Hahaha – I’ve never heard so much shit in my life, legal requirement blah blah absolutely no way is it a legal requirement to have me hold my passport to my face…. how do they think you get a passport? You send a fucking picture of yourself and they stick the picture on it…. there’s the picture of me Casumo! Madness

    Bandit please please please wear the Gandalf mask or wonky rabbit mask with your passport next to you as the photo and then send it . The never stated that you couldn’t be in character ????

    Jamezwww WANTED $11

    This is something I feel really strongly about, along with all the source of wealth bullshit. Any casino asking me for anything like this will be immediately told to stick it. Uploading the ID is fine but bad enough, since UK based sites never ask for any of it, they just check you electronically.

    My main concern, is that one day one of these bastard sites are bound to end up getting hacked, and all the poor people who gave them stuff like this with their face, their documents and their source of wealth and all that will be all out for the world to see, it is not a risk worth taking imo.



    benq99 WANTED $229

    yes send them a pic in like find wally but have it find the bandit.what a load of crap sending a selfie.if i get asked that i will send them a selfie of me  naked with my passport between my nut sack

    Izattm WANTED $18

    I suppose they just can’t believe how much of a sexy bastard you are and want some more proof hahaha

    sidders WANTED $21

    Looks like i’d better go buy some makeup just incase they ask me too 🙂

    Djneeds WANTED $55

    Sent mine in and my DL has an old pic of me before i grew my beard joke was on them looked nithing alike haha and i think i even crossed my eyes ?

    Jamesy1888 WANTED $4

    Had to do it at the start of the year.before i could even deposit at casumo..

    NudePicsForFreeSpins WANTED $20

    I’d be willing to send him a dick pick

    shouldersofbutter WANTED $13

    Videoslots randomly asked for verification again yesterday. Been there 2 years verified. Deposited fine which really pisses me off.


    Wanted a photo of an old expired card by 2 years. Who the fuck keeps them?


    Was only a £20 withdrawal.

    burders WANTED $55

    I am currently unable to play at Casumo. I fully verified earlier this year and they included a selfie with my bank card – I’m. It if the selfie generation and thiughtbit a bit much to be frank – but I complied. Couple of weeks ago my account is blocked as they now need KYC verification – now I’ve been through the list of acceptable things to verify and I believe the most likely one for me to provide is a letter from my employer (which I presume can be to me and not Casumo themselves, which confirms the company name, the nature of its business and how much I am paid. I’ve already sent a copy wave slip as part of the verification earlier this year! If I get my Managing Director to write a ‘To Whom It May Concern’ letter detailing the above, how do I know that Casumo won’t respond to him thanking him for the letter or requesting additional info? Nothing like a letter from an online casino to your boss to put you in a different light is there!

    Perhaps if Casumo Andy responds to the Bandit he will also take the time to respond to me also to get it sorted. I have barred myself from Videoslots following their sneaky RTP reductions so without Casumo I am down to Bet365 – I have bet and spun with them for nearly 15 years and never had any of this to contend with!

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    This isn’t the first thread with this issue. It’s only been mentioned once before and i remember how most felt the casino in question was taking the piss but one or two defended the casino saying this kind of security is not a problem. I also remember months ago your like me bandit i detest my photo been taken. You said you hated it but i suppose needs must and all that. Hope you get it sorted.

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