Investment ideas?

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    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Hi everyone, I’ve recently found myself with £2000 to spend how I want. I don’t want to just keep it in my bank otherwise I’ll just slowly dribble it away gambling. Does anyone have ideas about how they would invest £2000? I’ve looked into stocks and shares and premium bonds but have literally no idea. I’m happy to invest long term and I’m willing to risk losing the whole amount should the investment go wrong but if anyone had ideas or experience in investment I would be happy to listen.

    Thanks in advance.

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    A casino? Seriously. As in invest in co-ownership of one. You might need a bit more than 2k to get to it though. Turn it into 40k on some random stuff and get back to me 🙂

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    That’s something I would for sure be up for but getting 40k is hard. Unless someone has a easy way to turn 2k into 40k lol

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Put it in a stocks and shares ISA. It’s like a tax free savings account but rather than just sitting there, you put the money in to stocks and (hopefully) it grows in value. It’s actually very easy to get small but steady growth from this kind of investment, just put all the money in the ISA and select to invest it in one or two managed balanced accumulation funds. These funds put your money in groups of different individual stocks with a variety of industries and risk versus gain and are often very reliable to slowly but solidly grow. I think my pension is in one such fund.

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Yup, 5% a year on average in a good one. A standard ISA will give you up to 1% a year with the bank. Its cumulative, but that 5% takes a damn while from 2k. Year one you have 2.100. Yeah 2 you have 2205. Meh. Id rather go slightly more risky. Casino investment true you need a bit more cash. But if you get it people on average spend 30k on a site, have wages covered from 6 months on an affiliate manager and CRM person, and in month 2 they break even, month 3 on average its 10-15k profit. Got one site in month 3 clearing 60k. Madness. And yes they pay their players haha.


    For me, id go down plus500 and invest in stock directly with leverage on something i was confident in. Canadian cannabis is due a jump.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Invest in yourself… for the job you do now, or the job you want.

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Thanks for the suggestions. I did look at an isa where they invest in shares but as I didn’t fully understand it I didn’t do it. I also looked into a site called wealthify where they invest your money in different types of investments be it shares, stocks or governments bonds. I’ll research it a little bit more and choose.


    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’ve seen funding circle being advertised, but not sure what the interest is like. Have a look into it 🙂

    Sarahb9998 WANTED $7

    Why not try premium bonds its instant access and chance to win up to a million pounds every month or lots of smaller prizes

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    eejit101 wrote:

    A casino? Seriously. As in invest in co-ownership of one. You might need a bit more than 2k to get to it though. Turn it into 40k on some random stuff and get back to me ?

    BIAM casino would be cool ?

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Xbobmad wrote:

    eejit101 wrote:

    A casino? Seriously. As in invest in co-ownership of one. You might need a bit more than 2k to get to it though. Turn it into 40k on some random stuff and get back to me ?

    BIAM casino would be cool ?

    I can do that. Problem is you wont break even unless you market is a lot wider than BIAM. Also youd need a UK licence and we dont do that as those taxes are a killer, and the UKGC is a bitch to certify for. So we dont bother 🙂

    kojak WANTED $64

    FTSE 100 tracker fund.  Safe as houses and should pay a regular dividend.  There are some smaller more volatile stocks in there but 75% of them (petroleum, pharmaceuticals etc) should show growth forever.

    Its UK only but there are still enough big names to make it an interesting proposition.

    2 grand is a funny amount to invest, there are loads of “slow and steady” options for over ten and a good few “maximum risk/maximum reward” investments for under a grand, but if you’re not concerned about doing it in, have a look at building your own stock portfolio, maybe spread ten ways at 200 quid each. Small cost to set up, but as long as you sit tight and dont chase the buying and selling dream you’ll be all set after one single set-up fee.

    Alternatively, stick it all in christmas cards and wrapping paper… They are 25p a pack in poundland now, I reckon you’ll double your money next december.

    Most of my money is in gold and silver, I used to have a 15kg solid silver block as a doorstop ??.  The market is volatile as fuck at the minute though, I couldn’t recommend anyone sinking cash into metals right now, although they could go either way and industry insiders still reckon gold has another 25% push in it.

    kojak WANTED $64

    Couple of years ago you’d have got a reasonable quality Rolex for that money. You’ll still get a good vintage Precision, or a loose Datejust. Trust me when I say those are THE best investment of the last decade. I bought a GMT master for £3500 in 2016, sold it for just shy of 10k in 2018 and the chap who bought it off me sold it again this year for £16500.  And its not even a rare model, just a standard 1675 GMT. I wish I’d seen the bubble earlier because those watches were everywhere!   ?

    Shezzzzzzz WANTED $8

    Invest it all on Red. 50/50 chance it turns into £4k instantly.

    shakinaces WANTED $3

    £40k to get a profitable online casino up and running in a matter of months seems like the sort of ‘too good to be true’ money making scheme 🙂

    That said, between members on this forum surely that’s something easily set up in no time!

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