Investment ideas?

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  • #86207
    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I don’t know much about this topic except I once sold 10 bitcoin for 2grand ??? 18 months later they where worth a house.


    I’m also keen to put some money somewhere if/when I have it before it flutters away, good thread man.

    Can anyone go into more detail on the premium bonds? I understand you can “win” money but I don’t fully get the concept

    pailieuk WANTED $6

    you can put upto £50k into premium bonds you dont get interest but each £1 bond gets entered into a draw each month to win upto 1 million. i have the full amount and average £75 per month in prizes.

    kojak WANTED $64

    Eightblack wrote:

    I don’t know much about this topic except I once sold 10 bitcoin for 2grand ??? 18 months later they where worth a house.


    I’m also keen to put some money somewhere if/when I have it before it flutters away, good thread man.

    Can anyone go into more detail on the premium bonds? I understand you can “win” money but I don’t fully get the concept

    Where did you get the ten bitcoin from in the first place and not really know the value? The miners I know knew early doors which way it was going….


    Anyway, premium bonds. Savings account with a bonus… to put it in the simplest terms each quid you have saved = 1 ticket into an enormous monthly raffle. Top prize is a million quid.

    They send you a cheque each month with whatever you’ve won. One month you might win nothing, next month you might make a grand.

    It’s a zero risk proposition as your investment (I’ve a feeling you have to buy blocks of 100 quid and you can cash them out instantly at any time) but very low yield for savers. Then again, it’s a million quid a month that someone has to win.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    A few mateys I knew where knocking around silk Road, I got them at in 2014 when they fluctuated between 100 and 150 so when they hit 200 I sold them/spent them

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Premium bonds sound like a really good idea! I’m gonna put some in them think

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Eightblack wrote:

    Premium bonds sound like a really good idea! I’m gonna put some in them think

    Premium bonds are good … my children have quite a few of them ….. so the more you buy the better the odds of the small prizes, my kids win £25-£50 quids quite often but they do have quite a few of them that we’ve been saving  ….. you’ll tend to get a lot of £25 quid wins ….. so technically if you get that £ 25 win in a year it can be better than some interest in banks for the same year …the more you win the better it is competed to a bank …obviously  …. but for example £1000 pounds is a thousand potential tickets and with the shear volume of bonds in circulation the chances are the 1000 would stay in gov banks and not gain any value ( no interest on bonds ) …. if you really want something to work isa is the way forward … the interest can be 5%+  if you can bare to have it Locked away for a year ……..there are early release savings as well so you get a higher interest but it reduces if you withdrawal some or all the money ……. personally if your flush isa all the way, if your struggling or have months you struggle  put  It in the bank, get a book account no card ( Santander ) your money is safe  in a bank, and because you don’t have a card you can’t spend it online or in shops  and if you need the money you can walk into the branch….but the interest will be wank …….

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    Premium bonds sound like a really good idea! I’m gonna put some in them think

    Premium bonds are good … my children have quite a few of them ….. so the more you buy the better the odds of the small prizes, my kids win £25-£50 quids quite often but they do have quite a few of them that we’ve been saving  ….. you’ll tend to get a lot of £25 quid wins ….. so technically if you get that £ 25 win in a year it can be better than some interest in banks for the same year …the more you win the better it is competed to a bank …obviously  …. but for example £1000 pounds is a thousand potential tickets and with the shear volume of bonds in circulation the chances are the 1000 would stay in gov banks and not gain any value ( no interest on bonds ) …. if you really want something to work isa is the way forward … the interest can be 5%+  if you can bare to have it Locked away for a year ……..there are early release savings as well so you get a higher interest but it reduces if you withdrawal some or all the money ……. personally if your flush isa all the way, if your struggling or have months you struggle  put  It in the bank, get a book account no card ( Santander ) your money is safe  in a bank, and because you don’t have a card you can’t spend it online or in shops  and if you need the money you can walk into the branch….but the interest will be wank …….

    I wasn’t directing this at you personally eightblack, I was talking In generality… soz mate

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Opening a stocks and shares ISA is super easy, you can do it all online these days. You don’t need to know much at all about markets or whatever, just put it all in a fund like this one,-prices–and–factsheets/search-results/s/schroder-managed-balanced-class-i-accumulation that’s an example of a fund which is just a bunch of different investments packaged in to one thing. Now obviously be aware that investing in stocks and shares technically means you can lose money as well as gain it (because obviously shares can drop) but most of these types of fund are about as reliable as you can get and spread your investment over different individual stocks with a decent balance of gain v. risk. They won’t double your money, but they should steadily appreciate in value in a way that’s better than most regular saving accounts which are at rock bottom interest rates right now.

    russcawley WANTED $11

    I gamstopped in January and set up a stocks and shares isa instead. Had great fun buying and selling shares without knowing too much.,

    Have most of my money in a comany called Synairgen at the minute which I got in early June at around 40p. A mate tipped it to me so I read up on it and thought yep thats worth a shout. They are currently sat at around 200p and awaiting emergency approval and FDA approval on their Covid treatment which has already had the best results in the world at phase 1 and phase 2 trials. They announced Wednesday this week it being rolled out in hospitals in 20 European Countries and is just waiting on the nod for the USA. Its not been on the news or anything over here because the Government advisors dont have any shares in it unlike the ones they keep ramming down our throats that have already been proved not to work.

    Plenty research and evidence out there so please do your own research before getting involved. I’ve just bought more at 2 quid because when this does prove to be the treatment and help prevent covid it could be worth anything (I will be selling half of mine at 20quid and the other half I wont sell until 50)….


    In a way its still gambling of course but you still get the rush of a feature without the risk of doing everything in if you spread around over a few shares.

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