Is the bandit in prison

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  • #113494
    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Hi all don’t want to be rude or disrespectful but during a stream by let’s give it a spin rocknrolla mentioned bandits in prison for tax evasion ??? Is this true ?

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Link to this??

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Probably bullshit… I can smell it a mile away, also I can’t smell because I have a condition Sooo, it “sounds” like Bullshit!!🤫

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    it was about half way through the stream

    Slot WANTED $51

    he went Ukraine war (frontline) 😂

    Mareks WANTED $7

    Nothing was mentioned. What time was on clock when he mentioned that? Hopefuly bandit will be back soon. Missing his videos

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    2hours 58 min

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Joeholdway WANTED $44

    Just watched it and I’m sure it was tongue in cheek but there is a small chance I suppose but I’m sure seedy would know and the big man himself will probably tell us its all bollocks

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    I agree just tongue in cheek, but who knows? Only the big man himself can concur,..or Seedy? @Seedy, can you confirm or deny? Many thanks 👍🏻

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Bandit, they finally found your secret… he’s living a double life…. One as the bandit… but didn’t you notice his avatar has a hat? And this hat links him to none other than …………… roshtein … yes bandit is none other than….. roshtein ( crack of thunder above, )

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Just incase anyone missed it

    is bandit done with gambling for good now?



    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Bandit, they finally found your secret… he’s living a double life…. One as the bandit… but didn’t you notice his avatar has a hat? And this hat links him to none other than …………… roshtein … yes bandit is none other than….. roshtein ( crack of thunder above, )

    Bandit did buy a fucking tank so I’m inclined to believe this.

    Bandit wouldn’t do £1500 a spin on a slot though, he’s insane but real money insane 🤣🤣

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Bandit, they finally found your secret… he’s living a double life…. One as the bandit… but didn’t you notice his avatar has a hat? And this hat links him to none other than …………… roshtein … yes bandit is none other than….. roshtein ( crack of thunder above, )

    Bandit did buy a fucking tank so I’m inclined to believe this.

    Bandit wouldn’t do £1500 a spin on a slot though, he’s insane but real money insane 🤣🤣

    Pish xbob my lad, he is roshstein…. It’s a cover … you get reel king to £5000 a spin and you’ll see his eye flicker ….ohhh yes… tho he’s also been known to grab his big toe ….. not sure what that’s about .

    Spireite13 WANTED $1

    Bandit never played on free play and tried to pass it as real money. Roshtein is a faker !!!!

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