It’s funny …. If it’s not you…

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  • #141855
    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    A women in America thought she’d won 47 odd million pounds on a slot machine made by igt…. Only to find out it was actually $2 dollars she won and the casino offered her a stake dinner instead to “ say sorry” …… she the took them to court saying they should pay the 47 million …… even tho the jackpot on the machine. was around 6.5 k on her bet size …..argued her lawyer ……..

    Skyden WANTED $8

    OMG that would be shit really shit glad it wasn’t me

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Skyden wrote:

    OMG that would be shit really shit glad it wasn’t me

    Yeah can you imagine…. Tho I think I’d have seen it,  fainted … checked – checked and checked again,  taken a thousand photos than realised  “ wait a minute ….  the jackpot only 10k x “ and then Id have cried  in the corner over the lambo I bought with my mind that I can’t have any more ..

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