Jimbo casino mirroring the bandit

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  • #82790
    Touch_is WANTED $1

    I knew it was only a matter of time before JimboCasino made a clone of the Bandits site.
    I have watched both streamers for the past few years and noticed Jimbo copying the Bandits play style every step of the way.
    This would stem from his stakes to his deposits and even mirroring the way he speaks.
    Without the bandit I reckon Jimbo would be a lost soul.
    When he published his website with Craig I at least thought he would of changed it around to make it his own. But its a clear clone of the Bandits. If I were him I would be majorly pissed off.


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    I suppose you can copy all you want,  the bandits has a unique style and persona which is why he has a following and you can’t really fake “you “ or your personality and if you try, it becomes awkward and un natural sounding, I don’t watch a lot of Jimbo, but I don’t think he’s anywhere near the bandits level, and I he probably knows that, he hasn’t got that unique “ thing “ that stands him out ( for example compare bandit to rock)  I doubt Steve is that bothered by it, he might find it a respectful thing..(but I’m sure having people lifting your ideas to better their own goals with out the work/ dev/ cash must be an arse, )  but backinamo works and when things work they get bootlegged and you probably need to let these fights go because you are the bench mark for others and your going to get copied a lot … so I’d expect to see quite a few streamers pop up with a familiar feel we recognise……..

    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    As for the websites looking similar I don’t really see it. There are a number of template type things for building them and so I suppose it’s not unlikely that the same template has been used. Would be surprised if this was intentional and even if it was can’t see that it would bother anyone greatly.

    As for the way he speaks that would be more understandable. The Bandit comes out with some cracking stuff and I think it would only be natural for another streamer who has watched him using some of the same language. It wouldn’t be “copying” as such, just a good turn of phrase does catch on remarkably quickly.

    The stakes streamers have been playing at has been steadily increasing over the past couple of years. But this has been across the board and not just Jimbo. I haven’t watched any of his streams for months and am no fan, although he is entertaining enough.

    Finally I would be amazed if the Bandit gives a flying fuck about any of it.

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    PsychicSnail wrote:

    Finally I would be amazed if the Bandit gives a flying fuck about any of it.




    Liamb88 WANTED $1

    I’ve noticed whenever Craig puts a vid out Jimbo has to do one right at the bk of him. 100% agree with him being a patter thief. Think he’s just a desperate young lad trying to find his best way of making more money and gaining more followers. He’s a yes man. Videos are often short and dull. Not for me

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I don’t think Bandit gives a fuck lol there site is just like other sites while yes they have clearly taken inspiration in the prize giveaways section design wise it’s no big issue.

    trr420 WANTED $7

    Without the bandit I reckon Jimbo would be a lost soul.
    When he published his website with Craig I at least thought he would of changed it around to make it his own. But its a clear clone of the Bandits. If I were him I would be majorly pissed off.

    This is the funniest thing I’ve read in ages. It’s like tesco not reducing the price of their Bread because Asda already did it. Or what about play-tech copying evolution gaming? (QUANTUM ROULETTE, COUGH COUGH). All is fair in business. The Bandit doesn’t own the Internet or the gambling industry, so i guess it’s only fair that they can do what they want.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Seedy wrote:

    I don’t think Bandit gives a fuck lol there site is just like other sites while yes they have clearly taken inspiration in the prize giveaways section design wise it’s no big issue.

    “ I don’t think bandit gives a fuck “ that’s the technical term for it …?

    Anonymous WANTED $8

    Jimbo has zero character or personality which is why he try’s to copy other streamers personalities, unfortunately for him this has cringe worthy consequences.

    Darren83 WANTED $11

    Websites look similar because companies have a specific model or design in which it appeals to certain peoples business’s.

    Like square space for instance, although sites can look different underneath the hood it all designs the same.

    I don’t really get the hate for Jimbo. Hes not breaking any laws if you don’t like him don’t watch him. why people have to state what they don’t like about someone is beyond me. Keep it to yourself. Remember its still a human being and they still have feelings.

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    trr420 wrote:

    Without the bandit I reckon Jimbo would be a lost soul. When he published his website with Craig I at least thought he would of changed it around to make it his own. But its a clear clone of the Bandits. If I were him I would be majorly pissed off.

    This is the funniest thing I’ve read in ages. It’s like tesco not reducing the price of their Bread because Asda already did it. Or what about play-tech copying evolution gaming? (QUANTUM ROULETTE, COUGH COUGH). All is fair in business. The Bandit doesn’t own the Internet or the gambling industry, so i guess it’s only fair that they can do what they want.

    Give me a game provider and i can list what they copy. Whether its maths, aesthetics, design, bonus rounds etc. The list is huge

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Bloody Eminem taking a music genre that was mainly played by Black people and making money off it, he’s just ripping off Elvis Presley!

    Sorry what was we talking about?

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    way I watch and follow bandit simple he doesn’t give fk sh!t about others he plays his game as he wants and has fun big or small bets,I see lot other streames trying to copy him, bandit should be proud coz a lot of streams try to copy him

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    I have to come to their defence here… Both Craig and Jimbo, are very good streamers, real cash, Craigs is real swearing and real beer, the site has a nice colour scheme, how else would you present a group of casinos with various prizes and wins ? Most sites would HAVE to look like that. no matter what.

    So no need to knock them, this is a good site, theirs is a good site.. there doesn’t need to be anything exclusive.. lol.

    Ezekiel2517 WANTED $15

    People have waaaay too much time on their hands.

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