Just a small message to the morons

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  • #51050
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Keeping submitting utter shite about my earnings is absolutely wasting your time as i simply won’t send it through to the forum – quite frankly the fact you think it is even possible for a person with a channel the size of mine to achieve 1000 people A MONTH losing £1000 each so that i earn £85k shows me how many brain cells you have. Kindly just fuck off now.

    I understand that you are crest fallen not being able to spout your Mr 50% bile, apologies that the truth has hurt you but fuck me, give a rest eh.

    What about Betfair, Paddy Power, Energy, Bet Victor, Red Bet where my revenue is 0% How much am i earning from all those 1000’s of people losing £1,000’s every month, oh yeah, fuck all.

    Even armed with actual true factual figures, you still manage to pluck some utter bollocks out of your tiny mind. Pointless really isn’t it.

    This line is the most important for you – no one that uses my links, gives a fuck. They want me to earn, that is why they joined in the first place.

    MoonHook WANTED $30

    I never understand the point of these people.


    In my experience, people who use links were going to sign up to the casino anyway.  They were going to spend the same amount, win or lose the same amount.


    All it means is The Bandit will get a tiny amount from the casino (sometimes), not from me, which in my books is a fantastic way of saying thanks for the entertainment.


    I have no idea why they aim some sorta blame your way.. perhaps so they have someone to blame if they lose.



    Biohazard WANTED $675

    @Moonhook – couldn’t agree more. It’s what I’ve always said, why does it matter? The money is lost, so basically what you’re saying is, you’d rather the casino kept all of it, rather than Steve taking a very small slice and keep on providing us quality content.

    I don’t understand the problem.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    What gets me is the recent go fund me attempts by some damm right lowlife crooks. A phone and a fuckin bike. I reply with the hardest upsetting post I’ve made on this site to be blatantly ignored and have the piss been taken out of us by softening us up earlier in the day. Regulars, decent genuine kind supportive members of this forum will leave. Are leaving infact been pissed off with these types of people. I’ve been dying to say this all day. One more person who comes on this forum asking for a handout for a fuckin phone bike or decent food even though they even had over 500 euros will get some shit off me. That rikki bloke pissed me off. End of.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Need a hug, @Haz40?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Biohazard wrote:

    Need a hug, @Haz40?

    Im fine mate that pissed me off. He started one thread to get us all involved then after we all felt sorry for me he started another asking for money what got deleted. His loss of his sibling I could relate to and even after that I still wanted to help. I didn’t want to put that on here as obviously personal but I thought it was worth it to help him.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Don’t do this pub thing it’s too risky. You live there. It’s your local. I don’t trust a very small minority.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Haz, you’ve only gone and fuckin done it. I can’t believe it. I don’t know if it had to be you but sprinklings of influence and inspiration will land where they fall and all that. Now, me… yea, me. I want a phone bike.

    As for you my brother Bandit. Be as transparent as you wish. Tell us nothing. Yea, you did something one day that I will never forget but I am no yes man. What you make is no ones business but yours and maybe your wife when it comes to deal or no deal and the asda fund. There is only one other person who can demand to see your figures and that is the utter wanker called the queens tax man.

    I do think it’s time to accept that what is happening is not gonna stop. The only way to stop it is to have a barrier of some sort to stop it. Maybe a 50 comment audition to be able to post threads. Is 50 too much ? not enough ? that line of trust… I dunno. Food for thought but the likes of me who are honest (of course I am going to say that) and sometimes do spill out a true but shite story are not stopping which we all agree is acceptable because it’s human. But the faeces who come here with their bs to try and fake someone into helping them isn’t going to stop either.

    I do agree with the sentiment that you could maybe look at adding a moderator. Of course, it has to be someone you can trust which is always going to be the core issue. Maybe as some sort of auto detect for keywords and a way to hold threads for moderation on that basis so they have to be authorised to go public. WP is truly brilliant but also a pain in the backside.

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Haz40 wrote:

    Biohazard wrote:

    Need a hug, @Haz40?

    Im fine mate that pissed me off. He started one thread to get us all involved then after we all felt sorry for me he started another asking for money what got deleted. His loss of his sibling I could relate to and even after that I still wanted to help. I didn’t want to put that on here as obviously personal but I thought it was worth it to help him.

    I read your comment haz last night mate on that thread and to be honest it shows what kind of stuff your made of (salt of the Earth kind of guy)I could not have done that as that thread pissed me off.

    And just to clarify us genuine hardcore gamblers don’t give a shite if the bandit makes a few pennies off us for his numerous hours spent creating entertainment, this website is not run single handedly  and wages have to be paid, people’s time is not free.

    Many thanks

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Hacko1 wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    Biohazard wrote:

    Need a hug, @Haz40?

    Im fine mate that pissed me off. He started one thread to get us all involved then after we all felt sorry for me he started another asking for money what got deleted. His loss of his sibling I could relate to and even after that I still wanted to help. I didn’t want to put that on here as obviously personal but I thought it was worth it to help him.

    I read your comment haz last night mate on that thread and to be honest it shows what kind of stuff your made of (salt of the Earth kind of guy)I could not have done that as that thread pissed me off.

    And just to clarify us genuine hardcore gamblers don’t give a shite if the bandit makes a few pennies off us for his numerous hours spent creating entertainment, this website is not run single handedly  and wages have to be paid, people’s time is not free.

    Many thanks

    Thanks mate. Even after he asked for money I still tried to help. I can relate to what he’s been through and he didn’t want to know. All he wanted was money right from the off set. These kind of threads must stop.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Well said Mr 8% ?????

    Sorry I couldn’t resist… With my Sarcasim ???

    Please don’t ban me ?

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Well said Mr 8% ?????

    Sorry I couldn’t resist… With my Sarcasim ???

    Please don’t ban me ?

    In the style of the John smiths adverts


    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Haz40 wrote:

    Don’t do this pub thing it’s too risky. You live there. It’s your local. I don’t trust a very small minority.

    I actually agree with this. It’d be off the cards for me anyway as it’s a good few hours drive, but even then organising something like that on a public forum, you just can’t trust everyone.

    I get that it’s nice to meet your fans and that, for the most part, there are a lot of genuine people on here. But opening it up to everyone, I don’t know, I’d be nervous!

    Personally, I know it’s hard work and time costly, but I’d email a handful of forumers you’d like to go, or you’d like to get to know better and organise something from there, that way at least there’s some kind of vetting process, especially when so many trolls are joining here lately! 🙂

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Here’s a thought to the people who are so upset that The Bandit makes a little bit of money from creating content – Do it your fucking selves if it’s such a golden cash cow.  I say that knowing you won’t because:

    A) It takes a lot of time to put these videos together.

    B) You need to be entertaining and need people to like you otherwise you’ll have no audience and judging by the bitterness of these complaints I doubt these kind of people have what it takes. No one wants to watch a bleeding vagina after all.

    C) You’re broke as fuck and just envious that The Bandit can actually play slots whenever he likes.

    It’s not like The Bandit just set up his channel and suddenly got a load of people supporting him. He’s put a lot of work in over the years to get to point he is at now, he creates content and the majority of us enjoy it and don’t mind using his links to support him and as a little way of saying thank you.

    On the subject of people asking for hand outs – when I first joined these forums I was the first one to speak up and say that certain forum members were being a bit too harsh on people posting up there problems after they was being ridiculed and tagged as just looking for a hand out but now I’m becoming a bit cynical. I’ve seen quite a few people trying to start go fund me pages for things they don’t need exercise bikes, phones…you name it and it’s starting to grate at me. I tried to help out Rikki for example as you don’t need exercise equipment to lose weight so after saying that and him posting it up it makes me think that money is actually for gambling, maybe not but I’m not as trusting as I once was.  I’m also seeing people who aren’t even active members of the forums starting threads constantly asking about prize giveaways; no contributions or any other posts just “when you giving away more free money, Bandit?”

    Literally so many parasites on these forums now if it wasn’t for people like Haz, Andy, Blacko, Bio and other regulars I would have fucked off a while back but I love the core of this community.

    I may have overstepped the mark a bit with this post but like Haz it gets to the point where you can’t bite your tongue anymore.

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Haz40 wrote:

    Don’t do this pub thing it’s too risky. You live there. It’s your local. I don’t trust a very small minority.

    Easy solution is for him to ask who’s interested and then invite the people (via email) who are interested that he thinks are genuine, nice people and ain’t going to go all Ed Gein on him. 😛

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