13th June 2019 at 7:00 pm #69312
Ok guys ive closes your current topics as it was getting bonkers again its clear you are both passionate about the subject at hand but what is also clear to me is neither of you both like to be told your wrong so can we just take a little break from that subject and get along xD please..
so i dont know hug it out a handshake or a fucking mutual reach around i dont care but kiss and make up for a week lol xD
I think you are both funny characters to have here on the forum.
P.S im not getting involved in your makeup handshake or whatever it is you decide to do thats a sandwich i dont wanna be the filling of lol
Cheers lads. xD
1113th June 2019 at 7:07 pm #69315Lol @Seedy
I iz more than happy to let sleeping dogs sleeps.
I’ve said many times before that Argyl is my favourite member here. No matter how mad I get. I have a fuck load of respect for him. He doesn’t shift one iota from his game just like me. And he deserves more recognition for his input. Yeah he drones on like a Grandad telling a ww1 story. But I do enjoy him greatly.
But I do need a break though. My head just can’t take certain back and forths.
Peace. X
13th June 2019 at 7:10 pm #69316A grandad telling a WW1 story haha I’m not getting involved but that did make me wee a little. ?
113th June 2019 at 7:22 pm #6931813th June 2019 at 7:38 pm #69320One ‘side’ of this discussion has facts behind it the other is all about gut feeling. You’ve done a good job protecting just basics tho as he was about to go full potato.
Never go full potato.
13th June 2019 at 7:47 pm #69322One ‘side’ of this discussion has facts behind it the other is all about gut feeling. You’ve done a good job protecting just basics tho as he was about to go full potato.
Never go full potato.
Either side is a valid argument and I’ve protected them both. Because I know deep down they actually like each other ??
113th June 2019 at 7:51 pm #69323I appreciate the protection.
I do need saving from myself sometimes. I’ve been close to going full potato a few times.
But like u say
“never go full potato”
I know I have serious flaws in my arguments sometimes. And please don’t think I’m oblivious to them….cos I’m not.
I iz just passionate.
Bitches love me. ?????
13th June 2019 at 7:54 pm #69324You need stop winky facing and heart facing at me JB people will think your coming on to me ?
14th June 2019 at 1:29 am #6934614th June 2019 at 1:08 pm #6946314th June 2019 at 1:11 pm #69464Seedy starting back up the call out threads haha
I get a free pass ???? as I just wanted them to hug it out lol
14th June 2019 at 1:12 pm #69465Seedy starting back up the call out threads haha
I get a free pass
as I just wanted them to hug it out lol
Wasn’t what you were saying last night… more like tug it out
14th June 2019 at 1:14 pm #69466Seedy starting back up the call out threads haha
I get a free pass
as I just wanted them to hug it out lol
Wasn’t what you were saying last night… more like tug it out
Well whatever makes them happy ???
14th June 2019 at 1:22 pm #69467What’s going on with the forum today? Has everyone taken their comedy pill or something ? shits hilarious
JB and seedy your on fire ? get yourselves to an open mic ??
14th June 2019 at 1:30 pm #69468 -