Just need to tell someone

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  • #100192
    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Right I haven’t gamberled in a long time, to be honest I can’t remember the last time I did. Might have been when we all downloaded that app from bandit to get a free fiver..


    Anyway I’ve been getting them feelings for a while, you know the type if your a gambler the itch. So I decided to sign up to Leo Vegas because I wanted to play reactoonz. Stuck 50 quid in and started playing on 40p I think.

    Got down to 20 quid so thought I’ll try lightning roulette to get back to 50. I copied rollas technique and spread 10 quid around 5-11.

    1st spin nothing, 2nd spin hit number 8, for 60 quid. Now this is why I don’t gamble as I find it impossible to leave, even tho I have done what I have wanted to go bk to slots. Carried on playing uping the bet and it kept hitting 10 min later I’ve got 19 quid on 23 and it becomes a 100x chance.

    It only fucking hit, my biggest ever win, I was fucking buzzing. Anyway I clicked off withdrawn and it hit my bank account through PayPal withing 10 min. I’ve now stuck it on a cooling off period so I can lose it.

    Wanted to tell someone but no one I can tell her as I shiuldnt be gamberling so just thought I’d get it off my chest to you guys.


    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Ps Where’s the edit button gone? Sorry for the mistakes I think u can understand it tho

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    What’s the return on that? Isn’t it like 19x35x 100????? I doNt play roulette,

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    It’s just 100x your bet so it paid 1900. ?

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Ahh I was close …….. I always thought it was 1 in 35 or some shit….. man I’m not going to the casinos again, these fuckers must see me coming

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Kingpab wrote:

    It’s just 100x your bet so it paid 1900. ?

    Woohoo! Enjoy ??

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Kingpab wrote:

    Right I haven’t gamberled in a long time, to be honest I can’t remember the last time I did. Might have been when we all downloaded that app from bandit to get a free fiver..


    Anyway I’ve been getting them feelings for a while, you know the type if your a gambler the itch. So I decided to sign up to Leo Vegas because I wanted to play reactoonz. Stuck 50 quid in and started playing on 40p I think.

    Got down to 20 quid so thought I’ll try lightning roulette to get back to 50. I copied rollas technique and spread 10 quid around 5-11.

    1st spin nothing, 2nd spin hit number 8, for 60 quid. Now this is why I don’t gamble as I find it impossible to leave, even tho I have done what I have wanted to go bk to slots. Carried on playing uping the bet and it kept hitting 10 min later I’ve got 19 quid on 23 and it becomes a 100x chance.

    It only fucking hit, my biggest ever win, I was fucking buzzing. Anyway I clicked off withdrawn and it hit my bank account through PayPal withing 10 min. I’ve now stuck it on a cooling off period so I can lose it.

    Wanted to tell someone but no one I can tell her as I shiuldnt be gamberling so just thought I’d get it off my chest to you guys.


    Nice one. Get yourself on GameStop. You know aswell as I do. The next time you play you won’t deposit £40 it will be more. 6 months on GameStop and £1860 up. That’s £310 extra for each month you can’t gamble. If I’m way off on your gambling state of mind then I’m sorry. When reading it felt like at some point you were going to say then I tilted and done my bollocks. Either GameStop or put a deposit limit on your account so you can actually enjoy the money.

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Yeah I think I might just do that, because now I’ve had that win and a play again after so long, it’s all I can think about. I’m waking up thinking about gamberling which I haven’t in a long time. Goes to show it always stays with u.

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Yeah mate get yourself on GameStop. Enjoy your money. Buy something nice.

    STH2020 WANTED $38

    Yeah if you are getting those feelings, take the advice and run whilst still ahead. I love and hate lightning roulette. Hitting a 100 and 150x is a buzz but the 30x it oays for normal wins kills you in the long run.

    I had my big number land on roulette yesterday, doubled my bet stake and it landed again.  Those things are far and few between but nice when it happens.

    Good luck finding things to cintrol that itch, don’t lose it all.

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    congrat nice move,

    Steven_75 WANTED $3

    I get your struggles man, haven’t gambled in about 4 months now I think. But it is a fucking sleeping animal that sometimes just rattles its cage. Sometimes its better to just self exclude yourself from any possible temptation if you know you won’t be able to keep on resisting.. Winning big is always nice, so enjoy the money!

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    I’ve banned my self now, and have booked a week in butlins for the family next August so the money can’t get wasted. Spent all day yesterday itching to carry on and it’s not healthy, strange how you forget all the bad times and the sickening feelings, until you take a moment to really think how bad it can get. I never want to experience that again.



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