Laptop and tele

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  • #35909
    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Hey guys,

    Laptop is destroyed. No money to fix it. If I upload a photo any chance someone with knowledge can just look and see if it’s fixable via me watching YouTube etc at home? Let me know will upload pic

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    A picture and description of the problems your having might help, failing that just take it to a computer shop, also youtube is available via many devices, smart phones, tvs etc so if thats the main use of your laptop then no need to worry about missing your fave youtube vids.

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I’ve repaired a few in my time and sure there will be someone that knows more than me on here.

    but if you let us know the model and the fault will look round for any common faults.

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Hey guys. I kinda need my laptop for Netflix just to give me something to do, phone is small screened sadly, also I was trying to learn stuff online that I can’t really do on my phone as easily.

    It’s no fault mate, completely smashed up. Would upload it but don’t think there’s actually an option on here

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    if it is a smashed screen 1st job is to price up a replacement then you need to look at how the replacement is done normally a laptop screen isn’t a massive job.

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Just the screen smashed up or like the keyboard and everything? If its literally in bits then your best bet is to just write it off and buy a new one, you can get cheap enough notebooks these days, probably around the same price it would cost you for new parts on the smashed up laptop.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    I’ve got better any idea this guy is clearly genuine and needs some help why don’t we don’t we just chip in to get his lap top repaired I’ll but a tenner in if anyone else will

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Haz40 wrote:

    I’ve got better any idea this guy is clearly genuine and needs some help why don’t we don’t we just chip in to get his lap top repaired I’ll but a tenner in if anyone else will

    What makes you say he’s genuine? Not that Im saying he isnt but there’s nothing that he’s said here that says he either is or isnt genuine.

    Unfortunately I have a wedding to pay for in October and as Ive previously mentioned, the misses is incharge of the purse strings. Nice gesture though mate.

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Haz40 wrote:

    I’ve got better any idea this guy is clearly genuine and needs some help why don’t we don’t we just chip in to get his lap top repaired I’ll but a tenner in if anyone else will

    surely this isn’t one of them posts?

    someone set up a gofundme.

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Appreciate the thought mate. Kind of you, just not sure it’s fixable if I’m honest. Appreciate the thought though mate very humble of you.

    The casing and everything is all smashed and open, not 100% sure but inside components seem not broken but come lose or something. It’s not great condition now sadly and won’t turn on. Not too fussed about my tele. Haven’t turnt it on in like 6 months anyway! Just feel lost without my laptop haha.

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    what laptop is it?

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    HP one mate. It says I can upload a picture but I think I need to upload it via something then post the link. Any ideas on what site I can upload a pic to and then get a link from it?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Kelvin wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    I’ve got better any idea this guy is clearly genuine and needs some help why don’t we don’t we just chip in to get his lap top repaired I’ll but a tenner in if anyone else will

    surely this isn’t one of them posts?

    someone set up a gofundme.

    What posts ? I donated to Bruce the cat and bought the single. I can afford it. I’m soft as shit maybe but I believe him nowt wrong with that is there ?

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Did u smash it up ? If u dont mind me asking

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Quazzi wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    I’ve got better any idea this guy is clearly genuine and needs some help why don’t we don’t we just chip in to get his lap top repaired I’ll but a tenner in if anyone else will

    What makes you say he’s genuine? Not that Im saying he isnt but there’s nothing that he’s said here that says he either is or isnt genuine.

    Unfortunately I have a wedding to pay for in October and as Ive previously mentioned, the misses is incharge of the purse strings. Nice gesture though mate.

    Just think I’m good judge of character that’s all so yeah I think he is genuine. I am bit soft but I don’t think I’m gullible

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