Laptops don’t float

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    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Get home from work and thinknfuck it time for a beer and a bath while watching the bandit on my laptop…….ahhh but the battery is dead. Decide it’s a great idea to stretch the power cable from the bedroom to the bathroom and balance the laptop on the shitty little toiletries shelf Mrs.W put up the other day (assuring me it’s solid and was drilled properly) obviously it wasn’t. Laptop falls in bath, followed by my ecig. I throw laptop out of bath and jump out to try and save it. Which is futile. I know this but still try. The dog runs up stairs and thinks we are playing a game so runs back down for her ball, I’m lying on the floor like a beached fucking whale and the Mrs says oh I forgot to tell you the shelf is loose. Made my day but have to laugh.

    Before anyone starts, I am not after a new laptop or bath shelf off Steve. I will get a new laptop from IT in work tomorrow and I didn’t like the shelf anyway…….just thought I would let anyone who is interested know that laptops don’t float in the bath hahaha

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Sounds like you’re after a new IT dept to me 😀 haha

    Thank fuck you didn’t get fried !

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    I call BS! You should be fucking zapped to death! Never seen a TV land in the bath? Instant death haha

    Unlucky mate! Atleast you were watching YT and not PH 😉

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Quazzi wrote:

    I call BS! You should be fucking zapped to death! Never seen a TV land in the bath? Instant death haha

    Unlucky mate! Atleast you were watching YT and not PH ?

    No bs mate. I did check afterwards why it didn’t electrocuted me. It’s something to do with the difference between current and amps and the laptop charger. It was way above my knowledge but not something I will do again.

    I prefer redtube to ph but that’s a different thread starter I think lol

    SweFjorod WANTED $10

    Why he didn’t get fried is because, laptop is taking 12V not 230V, in a TV it changes the voltage inside the TV in a laptop it changes the voltage in the charger cord (bulky part), sad about the laptop but good you’re ok 🙂

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    SweFjorod wrote:

    Why he didn’t get fried is because, laptop is taking 12V not 230V, in a TV it changes the voltage inside the TV in a laptop it changes the voltage in the charger cord (bulky part), sad about the laptop but good you’re ok ?

    @SweFjorod thanks for this. Is that why companies recommend always using their own chargers rather than cheap imports? I always thought it was a marketing scam but remember a couple of people died charging their iPhones and they dropped them in the bath. Turned out the chargers were shit Chinese imports that did not have the right cut offs in them???

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Lmao it made me chuckle this one mate, it’s EXACTLY something the wife would do……..and say after….. oh yeah that shelf is loose you know…. NO SHIT!

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    Don’t lose hope for your soaked laptop. I was in the garden before work one day having a sneaky smoke and checking my emails on the laptop. I left it on the table in the garden then went to work for 9 hours. In the meantime, the heavens opened and pissed down on my laptop. When I got home I was devastated, not least because my brother had sat looking at my laptop through the fucking window all day and didn’t think to bring it in from the fucking rain

    Anyway, I deconstructed the laptop when I got home and put the bits and pieces into the hotpress. Remarkably within 24 hours it was back up and running with little discernable damage! I still have the laptop to this day and the old workhorse is still going strong. I do have another one too so Steve doesn’t have to buy me a new laptop :))

    Ramm WANTED $32

    back in the day people used to chuck a toaster in the bath when they wanted off this mortal coil. much cheaper than laptops

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    The Bandit wrote:

    Lmao it made me chuckle this one mate, it’s EXACTLY something the wife would do……..and say after….. oh yeah that shelf is loose you know…. NO SHIT!

    Apparently it’s all my fault because she had to fit the shelf I didn’t want. Fuck knows how she’s worked that out hahaha

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    They also don’t do well when landing from a 1st floor window…. 🙂

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