Lil devil 40 heart request

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  • #141950
    Smgxking WANTED $18

    I would love to see the bandit doing this again especially now you can autospin and run multiple windows at same time it would not take long, i think after the monster you had on 80p stake back in the day is a good excuse to do it again 👀

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Smgxking wrote:

    I would love to see the bandit doing this again especially now you can autospin and run multiple windows at same time it would not take long, i think after the monster you had on 80p stake back in the day is a good excuse to do it again 👀

    Fucking yes a thousand times…. Lil devil is the best game Eva ……and I’ve been saying taht for donkeys years, but…………….. ( reverse psychology engaged )…….. bandits to chicken to try it…..seedy says so

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