Lil devil giveaway multiple entries.

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  • #86177
    theguy WANTED $26

    If the rules say 1 entry per IP then that’s what it should be. To go over each account would be too much trouble.

    What I would do is allow only the first entry per IP and delete any entry with IP that matches this list ->

    Anyone with some Python programming knowledge can do this in 10mins.

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    they enter lot of time for playstation on nickslots lol for £6k will be 70% cheaters :p giveaway to disabled veterans i am sure you will make their xmas happy

    watch cheaters enter lot of times lol

    kojak WANTED $64

    Listen,  I’ve only entered once for me… plus once each for both the kids, 3 and 8. They’ve had a rough year and watching the bandit swear and gamble cheets them right up, the little scamps.  Oh, I’ve entered once for my cat – she was well concerned when bandit had the aggro with fred the cat, kept asking after him. Oh and the other cat… it sort of raises half an eyelid when I laugh at one of Steve’s outbursts, I can tell he’s a fan.  And my dog, thick as fuck it is but I’ve entered for him too, he’s as much right as anybody else!!

    Add to that both parents, my six grandparents (God rest their wrinkly souls), my wife, my girlfriend and my masseuse.  I think that’s fair. Of course it’s all from one IP address but exceptions need to be made for long-time viewers!!!


    Plus, it’s been a hard time recently. I was fired (in 2008) and then made redundant (in 2011).  I now work for myself but business ain’t what it used to be.

    I have a sick/dying cat (neither of the above), and Christmas presents to buy (for next year) and my car is broken and been stuck in the garage since August (true story, actually).

    Plus one of my bathroom taps is leaking.

    And I have an I growing toenail.

    And an ulcer on my tongue.

    I know the odds of this prize draw are close to drawing 5 balls on the lottery, or backing man city to actually fucking complete a coupon, but I honestly feel like I deserve this free money given away by a stranger, and I think this post will seal the deal.  ???

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    kojak wrote:

    Listen,  I’ve only entered once for me… plus once each for both the kids, 3 and 8. They’ve had a rough year and watching the bandit swear and gamble cheets them right up, the little scamps.  Oh, I’ve entered once for my cat – she was well concerned when bandit had the aggro with fred the cat, kept asking after him. Oh and the other cat… it sort of raises half an eyelid when I laugh at one of Steve’s outbursts, I can tell he’s a fan.  And my dog, thick as fuck it is but I’ve entered for him too, he’s as much right as anybody else!!

    Add to that both parents, my six grandparents (God rest their wrinkly souls), my wife, my girlfriend and my masseuse.  I think that’s fair. Of course it’s all from one IP address but exceptions need to be made for long-time viewers!!!


    Plus, it’s been a hard time recently. I was fired (in 2008) and then made redundant (in 2011).  I now work for myself but business ain’t what it used to be.

    I have a sick/dying cat (neither of the above), and Christmas presents to buy (for next year) and my car is broken and been stuck in the garage since August (true story, actually).

    Plus one of my bathroom taps is leaking.

    And I have an I growing toenail.

    And an ulcer on my tongue.

    I know the odds of this prize draw are close to drawing 5 balls on the lottery, or backing man city to actually fucking complete a coupon, but I honestly feel like I deserve this free money given away by a stranger, and I think this post will seal the deal.  ???

    I think kojak should be barred…. because only dogs can be entered … not cats ….. because cats are assholes

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    cats are assholes

    Not Fred, Fred is a legend ☑️

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    cats are assholes

    Not Fred, Fred is a legend ☑

    Allllll cats ?????

    Spraglioni WANTED $1

    any updates on the draw? I’m one of those that pretty much never enter these online giveaways, but this time I thought I’d give it a shot since I’ve followed bandit for quite some time now and one can always use some extra cash around Christmass 🙂

    I followed all the rules of course and didn’t register more than once.

    Jimmcghee WANTED $4

    Do the draw with only the cheating fuckwits in it – draw there names let them think they’ve won then tell them there getting feck all and donate it to a good cause ?

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    So we now have confirmation from The Bandit that the money will be going to charities (Cats Protection included, my fingers crossed!)

    I’d like to express my thanks to all the chancer twats who entered loads of times; you’ve just done something nice for a variety of good causes!

    Jak w WANTED $2

    Haz40 wrote:

    As some of you may have seen it is not looking like the draw will be made today as many people have tried to cheat entering hundreds of times. Last year a small project was set up to raise money for injured pets who’s owners could not afford their vet bill. £3000 was raised which went to this amazing cause. How much of a 6k giveaway would end up straight back in the casinos hands. I wouldn’t think nothing less if the draw was cancelled because of these fuckwits and the amount of time seedy will have to spend going through all the entries. Free money turns people into vultures. Give it to charity Steve. The true followers will always back you without any incentive for free money and will think nothing less of you if there is no money involved now.

    Its a shame that the few spoil for the rest any charity is for the best for bandit and the fans

    osulle WANTED $8

    Just started the vid and saw that the lil devil comp was cancelled.  Think The Bandit did the right thing and giving the money to charity is a great idea,  Barnados is a good children’s charity and of course, any cancer charity is a good un too.  Steve knows the right ones to give to so no worries there.  Always some idiots mucking up the giveaways but personally I’d rather it go to charity than one of the idiots that registered multiple accounts.

    theguy WANTED $26

    The right thing to do was to clean up entries and do the draw as promised.

    Liamb88 WANTED $1

    Always gonna get low life’s entering multiple times, you did the right thing bandit. IMO I would’ve closed any new people joining the site the day you announced the give away, and gave the prizes to people that were already a member. Anyway at least it’s going to a good cause!

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Great decision to give to charity but mind you i was bound to say that wasn’t i ?

    centipede WANTED $36

    this is absolutely hilarious, some people are complete cunts when moneys involved 😀

    giving it to charity is defo the right thing to do, at least it will be put to good use rather than back in the bookies/casinos pockets

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 110 total)