6th July 2019 at 8:06 pm #73566
Hey. I’ll aim the start at JD. But if we go off topic I’ll close this. As I didnt get chance in the other one.
You video looks dodgy as hell. I’ve seen that before myself. It is possible, as this was only on one casino, that it could be rigged. (Remember here that I’m the casino person who works in Malta and im agreeing with you). They only take bets from one casino, it could be possible that’s the case. Personally, I doubt it. I’ve seen many thousands of roulette spins and up close you have an angle on the wheel and can see the rivets, divots and metal spikes to cause a random fall and rotation of spins.
For ages I agreed with you. I then tried in a grosvenor casino (Salford manchester) to drop it without the wheel spinning into 0. First drop it went to 11. Then 2. Then 35 (getting closer!) Then I tried it with it spinning. All over the place. In 36 spins I hit 0 & neighbours 3 times. Which is mad.
However, this video would easily be anything from odd bounce, spin rotation, gravity and speed combined to cause a weird hop, angular momentum, or god knows what.
Modern day live roulette is off site. All casinos use (and pay for) evolution. I sell this product and have seen it up close. (I also play on it, history can be provided if asked for from videoslots or casumo, who I dont work for).
How evolution works is your players have access to their tables. Each casino gives evolution a % monthly of the player losses. This is around 10% (if you can negotiate) to 20% (if your casino is small and wont make them money). The same applies for slots with netent playngo or anyone.
The casino has ZERO affect on the game result. Literally zero. The mechanics look like this….
Player clicks spin — casino back office sends spin request to game portal — game portal sends that request to netent — netents RNG provides the result — game portal verifies this is netent and the stake and win/loss — casino back office and seamless wallet then increases balance or decreases balance based on result — player sees spin payout and balance change.
This happens in about 0.03 seconds. Its mad fast. And cool to learn about. I have API integration documents for this if you wanna see? This I can share as it’s our companies.
So… evolution doesnt see bets. Or wins. They spin a number. When you play lightning do you notice a timer? Bets accepted or bets closing? The casino spins the wheel before this happens. The casino bet and win cant be sent until the result comes in. That’s why they hold the balance and bets from your account while the spin goes on.
For this to be rigged would cost approximately eleventh squigiollion pounds and every single member of a casino team, game provider, tech and whatever else would be in on it. And if that’s the case we all wouldn’t gamble and be super rich. You try keeping over 400,000 people quiet. Shit they and make your GF not tell her friend you have a mole on your cock or something. Good luck (note. I dont have a mole on my cock)
As for AI – I like the idea that that could exist. I like the idea because that would be a HUGE leap from where we are now.
We are quite good at building casinos. We have 30 live and they perform well around the world. I dont work for them, I sell games to other casinos and the casinos itself to people who want to own one. We are currently finalising work o n a “game recommendation system” which tracks what games the player has played, and offers si.ilar provider games or si.ilar style of games (I.e bonanza offers diamond mine and DHV when player leaves the game). This is taking us 6 months and isnt even close to working.
If we cant do this… then the AI conspiracy dies immediately.
Dude id love AI to be blamed for me gambling. But it’s not. I am. What actually makes people gamble is false bonuses with negative value, low cashback offers, and gamification loyalty systems with quests or challenges.
That and good slots at least.
6th July 2019 at 8:25 pm #735696th July 2019 at 8:36 pm #735716th July 2019 at 8:40 pm #73572A quick guess at jb’s response
“So your saying it is possible” ??
What keeps me coming back is good bonuses and making money ?
6th July 2019 at 8:48 pm #73573I am, and forever will be a conspiracy theorist.
If I see summat that don’t look right I will investigate and research the fuck out of it, to find holes that can be debated on.
However, in this instance regarding roulette, and @eejit101 descriptions of how the inner workings of evolution games work. I will gladly bow out. Due to the fact that my slightly deranged brain, cannot handle such mathematical sequences and logical thinking.
I am who I am. And I understand that roulette can, and mostly is only rigged lawfully. But the video I uploaded on the A.I thread just looks far too clear that sommat dodgy is going on.
I’m sorry @eejit101 but I simply cannot change my mind about corruption and fraud in casinos.
ive seen too much of it now. And I don’t care if they are audited or regulated by the UKGC anymore.
Again I’m not saying all casinos…just some are definitely in the wrong side of the law.
6th July 2019 at 8:49 pm #73574Was watching scrubs on youtube
Did you read any of that Breen?
Aye, some of it is what I’ve been saying anyway, just put a little more eloquently. ??
6th July 2019 at 8:51 pm #73575But I accept for a certain game to be rigged on a UKGC regulated casino. It would take a hell of a lot of people to be paid off.
This I accept fully. And is a huge hole in my argument.
6th July 2019 at 8:58 pm #73576I totally get that certain people get so frustrated with me because I just can’t see the true woods for the conspiracy trees.
I get that certain members believe that I’m just out for drama.
And I get that members get so pissed off at me for not listening to what they are telling me.
i get it….I get it.
But think how I feel when hardly anyone backs me. I’m not saying they don’t ever back me. Just on occasions when I have 4 or 5 people smashing me down to a pulp lol.
i can’t change who I am, or what I believe. I simply can’t because it would go against everything I stand for.
And would you really want me to change? Ask yourselves that.
6th July 2019 at 9:12 pm #73577I totally get that certain people get so frustrated with me because I just can’t see the true woods for the conspiracy trees.
I get that certain members believe that I’m just out for drama.
And I get that members get so pissed off at me for not listening to what they are telling me.
i get it….I get it.
But think how I feel when hardly anyone backs me. I’m not saying they don’t ever back me. Just on occasions when I have 4 or 5 people smashing me down to a pulp lol.
i can’t change who I am, or what I believe. I simply can’t because it would go against everything I stand for.
And would you really want me to change? Ask yourselves that.
People don’t “back you” cos you nearly always talk nonsense.
“Think how I feel”?? This isn’t Dear Deirdre, people aren’t going to support you if you’re talking gibberish.
6th July 2019 at 9:29 pm #73578I back you on the video you posted. That looks and appears dodgy as fuck. And NOONE from the company shows us why it isnt. I feel you on that one sir.
However the inner workings of evolution I put is 100% accurate.
Some casinos are rigged. But not in the way you think. I can list 100 that rip people off with hidden T and C, stupid bonus terms, fraudulent KYC checks and fully letting gamban people play then if they win not letting them take their profit. They are fucks. You should hate them.
But all casinos? No way. Regulated ones are damn sure regulated. We get audited 3 times a year by the MGA. You cant rig games. Noone can. You can only fuck with the players balance. That’s it. He casino itself is a giant marketing company with access to games. It doesnt control them or use AI sadly.
However nice replied JB. I appreciate your thought process. While i dont agree with it, I can see your point of view (mostly)
116th July 2019 at 9:33 pm #73579I totally get that certain people get so frustrated with me because I just can’t see the true woods for the conspiracy trees.
I get that certain members believe that I’m just out for drama.
And I get that members get so pissed off at me for not listening to what they are telling me.
i get it….I get it.
But think how I feel when hardly anyone backs me. I’m not saying they don’t ever back me. Just on occasions when I have 4 or 5 people smashing me down to a pulp lol.
i can’t change who I am, or what I believe. I simply can’t because it would go against everything I stand for.
And would you really want me to change? Ask yourselves that.
People don’t “back you” cos you nearly always talk nonsense.
“Think how I feel”?? This isn’t Dear Deirdre, people aren’t going to support you if you’re talking gibberish.
Listen to me carefully and then think what you like.
I am who I fucking am. I constantly admit that I talk a lot of shit. And I constantly admit I am the type of person you hate or love. I can’t change who I fucking am can I u fucking (insert swear word)
why would I change?
To be “normal”? Who the fuck wants to be normal?
If you do….Your fucking welcome to it.
i like being me. Sure sometimes I wish I was better at stuff. But I’m 40 years old so I’m not gonna change for no one.
And people like you, who have no compassion once a person has apologised and said he was wrong. Are the Bain of my fucking life here on this forum.
Just fuck off.
6th July 2019 at 9:56 pm #73582I’ve seen a lot of spins from the same roulette game on the same casino which don’t look dodgy at all.
I also know the compiled collection of dodgy looking spins in JB’s video can and do on occasion happen for entirely natural reasons on fair roulette wheels, especially ones with shallow divots which are prone to allowing the ball to slide around more than the type of wheel used by e.g. immersive roulette. Of course it looks super dodgy if you compile a video showing only those spins and none of the hundreds of normal looking spins in any given session.
Finally, I don’t believe for a second any casino looking to unfairly rig its roulette game would do so in any manner which would be so ham fisted and obvious to the player. The last thing any dodgy casino would want is for any cheating to be visible to the Gambling Commission.
Now all that said, can I tell you conclusively with 100% certainty there’s no magnets or other untoward thing happening on that particular roulette game? No, of course I can’t. I just equally stand by no one including JB can be conclusively sure it is dodgy either.
16th July 2019 at 10:44 pm #73586I go back and forth a lot with how I feel about you, JB. ?
Sometimes I really like some of the things that you say, I have seen you admit when you’re wrong, and I’ve also seen you compliment or show respect to some of you adversaries (when you’re not telling them to fuck off). Other times I can’t believe some of the things that you’re coming out with!
You’re an interesting fellow.
16th July 2019 at 11:10 pm #73590I totally get that certain people get so frustrated with me because I just can’t see the true woods for the conspiracy trees.
I get that certain members believe that I’m just out for drama.
And I get that members get so pissed off at me for not listening to what they are telling me.
i get it….I get it.
But think how I feel when hardly anyone backs me. I’m not saying they don’t ever back me. Just on occasions when I have 4 or 5 people smashing me down to a pulp lol.
i can’t change who I am, or what I believe. I simply can’t because it would go against everything I stand for.
And would you really want me to change? Ask yourselves that.
While I sometimes think you are bat shit crazy I’m honestly not trying to make you feel stupid at any point. I accept I went off the deep end when you mentioned the holocaust but that was partially because I’m pissed about a real life situation where the same thing came up and partially because I feel that by saying it’s a hoax you are belittling the very real suffering millions of people went through.
That aside I really do try to engage with you and offer up reasons for why I don’t agree with you these days, I’m not trying to score points, I’m honestly trying to help you look at your questions from a different point of view in a non hostile way. I think lots of others are too, we aren’t gunning for you we’re offering up reasons that we don’t agree with you.
So if you feel like it’s badgering it’s really not supposed to be, I try to offer a slightly different way of looking at something than say argyl53 does. I try not to just repeat what others say.
That’s part of the reason the replies are so long mate, to give you alternative view points.
17th July 2019 at 10:39 am #736089 times out of 10 I come across as arrogant. deluded and a self serving wannabe. But once in a blue moon ? I will backtrack on just about everything I have said, which then makes me out to be a hypocrite and a total Fraud.
I don’t help myself one bit. And most of the shit I get is well deserved due to me being flakey as fuck ?
However, the roulette debate we are having is not one of these instances.
The ball simply cannot move like that. And has to be either a rigged wheel or ball tampering.
BUT!…like some of you have already said. To rig any game on any UKGC ?? regulated casino. A fuck load of people would need to be paid off.
And that leaves a gaping hole in my argument.
And this time I will bow out of this debate, because I cannot fill that hole with anything remotely like a defence.
We will simply never know the truth.
Live roulette, casino payments, AI and a bit of Info
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