23rd December 2018 at 11:13 am #30611
got paid on thursday which is supposed to pay for christmas presents and keep me going for the next 2 weeks, instead i put it all into leo vegas and now have £15 and no christmas presents! cant sleep or anything im that worried about whats going to happen 🙁 just wanted to get it off my chest.
23rd December 2018 at 11:51 am #3063623rd December 2018 at 3:00 pm #30653got paid on thursday which is supposed to pay for christmas presents and keep me going for the next 2 weeks, instead i put it all into leo vegas and now have £15 and no christmas presents! cant sleep or anything im that worried about whats going to happen
just wanted to get it off my chest.
This should be a valuable lesson to you and scream you have a problem gambling. There’s plenty of help out there mate, get some.
23rd December 2018 at 3:16 pm #30655Unlucky mate. Gonna be a hard few days for ya
But lets put things into perspective. Things could be waaaay worse than losing a few quid. Get that Gamban installed and crack on. Ive been in your position many times. And trust me things seem awful right now. But if you choose to get the right help you will beat the cunt!
23rd December 2018 at 4:35 pm #30660Sorry to hear this..
But as the previous posts have said you’ll get past this difficult stage, couldn’t agree more with the other posts get yourself on Gamstop which is a free sign up and blocks you from registering to all UK licenced casinos for a period of 6 months, a year and 5 years I believe.
Other people may completely disagree with what I’m about to say, but if I was in your shoes right now I’d sign up for Gamstop then there is no chance of gambling for a large period of time, take a small loan out with your bank IF you can afford to and have a stable job, just to see you through Christmas, sometimes you have to pay to learn, wishing you all of the best and hope you can learn from this and have a good Christmas.
23rd December 2018 at 5:52 pm #30669Join gamstop immediately. It’s probably not a bad idea getting a small loan as long as the interest is good, if you do this join gamstop before. Try to avoid payday loans at all costs, first thing to try is family and friends. Don’t be embarrassed talking to people about it, you’ll be surprised how many people are understanding and willing to help.
I’ve been in similar position and i’m sure many others have on this site, i took out loans and payday loans to cover bills etc and gambled the lot, I’ve had a real dark few months i’m lucky my brother and best friend helped me out, don’t be afraid to talk to people, don’t keep it bottled up. i joined gamstop about 5 weeks ago and it’s the best thing i’ve done. I’m not sour towards people who gamble or casinos i still love watching vids and streams, i’m not being a kill joy and slamming gambling but people need to understand that it effects people differently and it can’t be controlled this is why gamstop and gamban is available.
1123rd December 2018 at 6:08 pm #30651Two days before Christmas and no presents? Wowzer
i know mate, been gambling for the last couple of months nearly all my wages but i got paid 2 weeks worth and lost everything! dont even know what to do with myself.
23rd December 2018 at 6:08 pm #30654ye i know mate, just wish i could fast forward untill after christmas when its all over, its such an embaressing thing man im literally dreading it.
23rd December 2018 at 6:08 pm #30663Your not the only one and definitely won’t be the last . Did the same thing got paid Thursday I thought I could drum up a little extra cash for Xmas , and yeah didn’t end well . It makes you feel sick to the stomach. It’s not the first time I’ve done my brains in and had to confess to family what’s going on a while back . Its hard to explain to people that don’t gamble what’s going on , as they don’t fully understand, saying that I don’t fully understand myself . Why do I gamble? I think it’s greed many time I’ve been up but just want that little bit more so reversed pending withdrawal . This should not be allowed ?. I think in the next 10 years shit will hit the fan regarding gambling and those people taking backhanders to promote gambling will be none existent. Keep your chin up and hopefully it will work out for you.
23rd December 2018 at 6:42 pm #30688Hi aadon27…. I’ve done me bollocks plenty of times and felt the same… Its tough bro, but keep your head up & take what’s coming I.e. the abuse from your loved ones after all you deserve it & it will help you not to do it again…. don’t hide it makes it worse is my advice.
On Monday get on the phone to a Government welfare fund & you might get something to help you out £1/200 Quid will help. You can only apply for emergency once a year I think… phone the citizens advice before.
Try your bank for a overdraft etc…. Don’t give up & you’ll find a way out, i’m sure.
I hope thing’s work out for you bro
Stevie. 😉
23rd December 2018 at 7:19 pm #30704I don’t wanna kick you while you’re already down but seriously wtf? Who leaves buying presents for two days before Xmas? That shit is bought months in advance.
On a bright side things could be worse. You could’ve literally lost everything as title suggests. House, family etc. Get help and talk to your family if you have one about your problem.
Lost Everything
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