Mass Self Exclusion Database for the UK

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  • #17455
    aps31 WANTED $15

    What casino was that? I have tried but was unable to find any , it may have different details in record for you

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    At least it seems to be doing a great job if you couldn’t find any!

    phatjoker WANTED $3

    i today just self excluded myself from all my online accounts, i am a low stake gambler and took more in more than i have loss, i draw the line however when a online casino who gives me a £100 with no wagering attached aftwr winning a slot race and doesnt let me withdraw it, so played it and got 4 bonus on neopoleon and everyone of them zero bonus and won very little in the main game, long story short shat it away with less than 3% rtp so seen this is a GTF moment and self excluded from every online casino i have, think am gonna just pass on gambling from now on, just watch your videos from now on 🙂

    Turnip166 WANTED $0

    I signed up to gamstop for six months it ends in two weeks time .best thing I’ve done simply because at the end of November I have  enough money saved to pay my mortgage off .i worked out I had spent £9000 in six months and started using my savings .so I have gamstop to thank for that.i do find watching the bandits videos help  and a good laugh.

    AliceInSexyLand WANTED $2

    Hey Bandit – I just wanted to say a massive thank you, i found gamban through one of your videos about five months ago and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve been gambling on and off since I was eighteen and it almost ruined my life several times over and nearly ended it at one point. I had a slip on my 25 birthday this year in April and put me at my lowest, i then found your videos which kept my gamblers mind satisfied for weeks, I spent almost all my free time watching your old vids and they just opened my eyes to fact I can get the same highs and lows from watching you videos, then you mentioned gam ban in one of them and signed up through you site and haven’t looked back, it’s the longest I’ve been without gambling since I started. I am In a much stronger place and my finances on the mend and a six year relationship pulled back from the brink.

    I always enjoy getting to watch your vids at the end of the week and I fully intend on renewing my ban in years to come once it expires!



    Ron101 WANTED $19

    AliceInSexyLand wrote:

    Hey Bandit – I just wanted to say a massive thank you, i found gamban through one of your videos about five months ago and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve been gambling on and off since I was eighteen and it almost ruined my life several times over and nearly ended it at one point. I had a slip on my 25 birthday this year in April and put me at my lowest, i then found your videos which kept my gamblers mind satisfied for weeks, I spent almost all my free time watching your old vids and they just opened my eyes to fact I can get the same highs and lows from watching you videos, then you mentioned gam ban in one of them and signed up through you site and haven’t looked back, it’s the longest I’ve been without gambling since I started. I am In a much stronger place and my finances on the mend and a six year relationship pulled back from the brink.

    I always enjoy getting to watch your vids at the end of the week and I fully intend on renewing my ban in years to come once it expires!



    Good for you bro stay strong

    Cutlery WANTED $6

    I signed up to gamstop the second it went live and I’ve got to say it has saved my life!! Before that life could only be described as hell, I would go a few weeks months on the right track then one of my old accounts that I had excluded on would reach the reactivation time and the process would start again. I lost most of my friends nearly my family and became the most angry negative and depressing person on the planet. I’ve done things I’m not proud of to get money to gamble and I’ve hurt the people I love the most, I have to live with that for the rest of my life. But since gamstop my life has completely changed I’ve moved to a nice area got myself a studio flat rather than renting rooms. My friends have started coming back into my life and my family have forgiven me and actually believe this time that I’m going to do it!! I do still gamble but in a controlled way once a month with my mate quids in through his account we get the beers in good food and have a real good time, just how it is meant to be. If you cut it off dead that is not the way to go as it is a fix you need like heroin if you don’t address that in a responsible controlled way you will end up seeking it by other means and doing your balls in on a pub fruit or the bookies!!!

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Hi all ,

    its not just about the stopping it’s making sure that when you get the urge you can’t play and you get that second chance of redemption .


    i have not only banned myself from all casinos I have used gamstop to make sure I don’t use anything Else .

    there is a down side to finding casinos you can play .

    earlier this year I played on black type casino and won over £4500 from an initial £150 deposit .

    however thinking this was good trying to withdraw it only triggered that I was banned from its sister site at 21 casino .

    i was denied the £4500 and given my £150 deposit back .

    unfortunatky I have lost my case with the online gambling ombudsman who said pretty much fuck you .


    that has been the big turning point for me that even when I win I lose .

    for all those out there battling the demons of gambling . Make sure you  try separating the money you would have used for gambling that way when you realise what you have saved this will feel better that winning

    Scaley374 WANTED $1

    is there any software about that can just stop you playing slots, as thats where i seem to lose most of the time, but i would still like to be able to have the odd football bet ??

    Kobra1977 WANTED $1

    Gamstop is great, it seems to block you from all the betting shops, casinos etc.

    The problem I have is with the slots, so I registered with Gamstop and everything got blocked. The thing is is that I use Betfred so I can do my American lottery online and also the Mega Millions.  Doing the lottery for some reason is not a problem for me as I place the numbers on for the month and then leave it (I don’t spend any more), but because of the above, I am now locked out of Betfred for the next 5 years as well as all the other online casinos.

    As a result, I now go into the Bookies to put the lotteries on and although the odds are worse, it is completely offset in the fact that I’m not spaffing lots of money by being tempted by the slots. For me I should have really used the Gamban software as I would be able to play the lotteries on my mobile (Its a Huawei so the Gamban wouldn’t work anyways), but am now completely locked out of every account.

    So for anyone who wants to stop gambling all together, Gamstop is really good as it blocks all your accounts for at least 6 months.

    But if anyone who is like me has a problem with the slots, but likes to dabble in the online lotteries and the odd bet, please be aware that this will self exclude you from a lot of sites and cannot be reversed.  Good luck to all who sign up through this and I hope that you will all get through it.



    Kobra1977 WANTED $1

    Scaley374 wrote:

    is there any software about that can just stop you playing slots, as thats where i seem to lose most of the time, but i would still like to be able to have the odd football bet ??

    From my experience Betfred have something that can block you from the Casino, but will still allow you to do football bets and lotteries etc.

    You could try and call your Betting company and ask if you can be excluded from the Casino part only.

    Hope this helps!

    RedJordy WANTED $1

    Would just like to say a massive thankyou to you Steve for advertising this stuff and making your viewers aware. Been a viewer now for over 2 years, started on Youtube, then the website and noth both. Still yet to miss a video in over two years, Unfortunately had to Gam-Ban myself a few months ago using your 3 month trial code as i couldn’t control the ‘chasing’ when i was losing money. Still have friends in the draws so even stick around for them. Just wanted to say a massive thank-you for the content and the gambling awareness, i find being able to watch your videos quenches that thirst there is for gambling, riding the ups and downs with you, whilst not having to spend a penny! Keep up the good work and content bud, Have a great Christmas and gutted to hear about the cat! Had some terrific ‘lucky cat’ bonuses over the years!

    Cherry1989 WANTED $1


    i have been following your channel for sometime now and always look forward to a video popping up on YouTube.

    I am 29male and am a man on the edge gambling was a really big issue for me from the age of 17,18 up until I was around 25 and in then 7 years of hell I completely lost my way and gambling took over my life and everything in it I ended up I debt fell out with friends family broke down relationships and also changed me as a person I was not a nice person and at 25 I realised that it needed to stop so I reached out got help and got my self back on track payed off my debt started a new relationship began a family and things where on the up the gambling stopped.

    but around 9 months ago my wife was vegan feeling ill dizzy tired and just not her self she then had an episode while driving where she sort of blacked out at the shell but lucky only for seconds and did not end up crashing but this triggered us to seek medical advise about this issue long story short my wife was diagnosed with a heart condition and an irregular heart beat with this my wife was unable to work she has just recently began working again but we are basically completely screwed as through out the 9 months to try and make ends meet now our income has been cut 50% I stupidly took to gambling again and now the hole that we out in is pretty much impossible to get out of i a supposed to provide for my family and I have just pissed it away thru getting caught up in gambling again and here we are almost Xmas with no money and swimming in debt from council tax to loans to pay day loans basically gambling can destroy your life and you as a person if you are not careful and take control of it as I have not done and look where it has got me ….. a man on the edge

    nickuk911 WANTED $18

    Horrible story Cherry1989, especially around xmas time it’s nt what you would wish on anyone.

    This is why i’m not so sure that people with gambling issues will get their fix by watching bandit videos.

    Not to have too much of a pop at you Bandit but watching back the majority of the most recent videos you seem to get yourself into a hole and instead of walking away accepting the loss showing some responsibililty you pile in more money- raise the stakes and seem to be able to luck out 9/10.

    I’m by no means jealous, fair play to you, but unfortunatly with so many problem gamblers watching the videos to try and get their fix, if they see this type of game play wherby you go on tilt, up the stakes and manage to win back the losses and a tidy profit on the regular – after time this directly will affect the viewers and plant a seed in their mind that perhaps that is the way to get back their losses.

    Of course things will more often than not go from bad to worst and cause devestation to many.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    nickuk911 wrote:

    Horrible story Cherry1989, especially around xmas time it’s nt what you would wish on anyone.

    This is why i’m not so sure that people with gambling issues will get their fix by watching bandit videos.

    Not to have too much of a pop at you Bandit but watching back the majority of the most recent videos you seem to get yourself into a hole and instead of walking away accepting the loss showing some responsibililty you pile in more money- raise the stakes and seem to be able to luck out 9/10.

    I’m by no means jealous, fair play to you, but unfortunatly with so many problem gamblers watching the videos to try and get their fix, if they see this type of game play wherby you go on tilt, up the stakes and manage to win back the losses and a tidy profit on the regular – after time this directly will affect the viewers and plant a seed in their mind that perhaps that is the way to get back their losses.

    Of course things will more often than not go from bad to worst and cause devestation to many.

    It goes how it goes mate, i play my session – i’m sorry but i draw the line at just deciding to take a loss just in case my redeposit makes someone think oh i can do that and achieve the same despite my literal trillion warnings throughout my channel, there is only a certain amount of warning i can do surely.

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