Mayan Stackways

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  • #132835
    TJTom WANTED $16

    What has happened to this slot?

    I know Bandit has mentioned this a few times in his videos, and I’ve experienced it too.

    It is (or at least was) one of my favourite games but fuck me it’s gone off a cliff in recent weeks! Recently it just churns out dead bonus after dead bonus, and I’m talking like constantly less than 10x blink and the bonus is over. I must have done over a 100 bonus buys on it in the last few weeks and I’d say 95% have been utter turd, with a couple of okish wins in there, like double or triple the cost of the buy.
    Never used to be like that.

    When slots act like that it really makes you think it’s gone beyond the point of bad luck and variation and something more sinister is at play.

    Has anyone else noticed the same thing on this slot? (Cue some twat telling me they’ve just had a max win, fuck you haha).

    TJTom WANTED $16

    Confirmed shit – thought I’d give it one last chance during my session. Bought 5x 3 scatter bonuses on 10p stake for £11 each. Went for £1.88, 69p, £3.72, £2.18 and 17p. Games gone to shit, banned list for me.

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