Megaways – Megaproblem

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  • #80737
    nffcfan WANTED $8


    long time lurker 1st time poster!

    As noted above my mega problem is generally megaways games.

    My problem is the amount of time these games can take to play and bonus.

    Since the release of these games the amount of time I spend playing has increased massively although my general deposits and spending have stayed the same (including some massive wins along the way).

    I understand these slots are a slow grind and that they make % with all the little 1x and 2x wins forever chucked out but I’m the type of person that can’t leave a game without hitting a bonus round.

    This can run into thousands of spins as it seems to on most games and take a crazy amount of time to happen.

    I have gone from the odd hour here and there playing multiple games to hours stuck playing a megaways game waiting for a feature to drop.

    Again the spend is not an issue although even these games can drain a decent balance ruthlessly it’s the time taken to play these slots out.

    I love these games but sitting up playing a game until the early hours in the morning with work at 7am is starting to become a drain.

    Sorry for the rant 1st post and best of luck to anyone spinning any reels!

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    I’ve done all nighters playing slots , then gone to work . And I’m like saying to people im shattered little one kept me up all night

    Anonymous WANTED $0

    Megaways games are utter poison.  As you have seen, it takes thousands of spins for a feature to land but here is the sick thing, the chances are when you do get it, it will screw you with a 20x stake win.

    trr420 WANTED $7

    Try playing megaways without the bonus. Slots o gold megaways Paddy powers and others if there is any.

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