Mental Health

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  • #35882
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Perhaps get yourself a new hobby that you can do at home – 3D printing for example, you can print some really cool things, you can take a normal Lego set for example and 3D print is 10x the original size and shit like that, bloody awesome to see when it is completed and it would definitely keep you busy lol!

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    The Bandit wrote:

    Perhaps get yourself a new hobby that you can do at home – 3D printing for example, you can print some really cool things, you can take a normal Lego set for example and 3D print is 10x the original size and shit like that, bloody awesome to see when it is completed and it would definitely keep you busy lol!

    Love that Bandit! Sounds decent, sadly I don’t have any money for a tele let alone 3D printer. Does sound amazing though. Definitely would keep me entertained!

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Abit random anyone know any like music? Put me in a different mindset or try. Just wanting to try anything

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    If you’ve got a computer, do what i do, find music and audio from wherever you can and mix it, i know nothing about music but know how to mess a song up 😛  ive done some for fun and some not bad ones too…

    heres a daft one…


    i dont think the link worked 🙁

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Link didn’t work bud! Sounds like fun though!! I’d love to have a mix up and ruin a few songs ? sadly my laptop is smashed to bits 🙁

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    What about reading mate? That can also be a great way to escape the constant depressing thoughts for a few hours. I recently reread The Shining by Stephen King when I was bored and currently making my way through The Stand by the same author, great books and keeps your mind busy and stimulated. It’s harder in the colder months especially to motivate yourself to get yourself to go out and even harder with depression so best to find things you can do during the evening as just laying there will not help your situation but I do understand how you feel mate.

    You might even want to read some self help books on depression…I have a friend who swears by them I’ve given them a try out of the ones she recommended but they wasn’t for me but perhaps they could help you out a little.

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Hey mate. I tried reading! Never really got into it. Will try a book out though actually no harm in trying again!

    I read one on depression a few years back and really didn’t help me, but i’ll try a book in general just to see if I like it again and to try keep me occupied mate! Thanks

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Not sure what is up with the link Wiggy, it’s not something i have done lol

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Gaming is my release from the struggles of everyday life.

    Obviously if money is an issue and main factor in causing your mental state then alot of the previously mentioned methods that are free will help you to no end.

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    The Bandit wrote:

    Not sure what is up with the link Wiggy, it’s not something i have done lol

    probably because its a link off Dailymotion not Youtube..

    stony WANTED $28

    Something I do that really helps my brain and I do it it with a few ex squadies who have ptsd and they also find it immensely helpful is scuba diving. I also get ptsd and once in a blue moon I have bouts of absolute manic depression which has been brought about as a result of working in some very desperate conditions and countries. Once your underwater that is the only thing on your mind and completely immersive. Another outlet I have is art and pottery, again its completely immersive and with both activities seem to cut out the world around. Keeping busy for me is one way I mitigate against it and forums help too. I find it easier to interact with people virtually rather than on a one to one basis.


    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Hey dude thanks for posting! One day I’d love to scuba dive. What’s it like? Must be incredible!

    Yeah that’s what I like about this forum, been on nearly a year but only recently starting posting. Always scrolling though, nice to have a little community about us.


    must have seen some amazing stuff scuba diving mate??

    stony WANTED $28

    Realwhiskers wrote:

    Hey dude thanks for posting! One day I’d love to scuba dive. What’s it like? Must be incredible!

    Yeah that’s what I like about this forum, been on nearly a year but only recently starting posting. Always scrolling though, nice to have a little community about us.


    must have seen some amazing stuff scuba diving mate??

    When you first learn to dive it is very, very claustrophobic and anxiety levels can go through the roof. That one reason its essential to have correct training and dive buddies you can depend on if it goes tits up. Over time you almost teach your brain to deal with the anxiety and thats when it becomes completely immersive. Its a healthy anxiety and whilst there is risk its calculated and controlled. I have had 2 situations abroad, 1 this year, when I helped rescue drowning divers and that really does focus the mind. Emergency situations are very rare but we train constantly in our club for such eventuallities and again this focuses the mind so when something does occur training takes over.

    Everything under the water is amazing even a little shrimp. Its their world and to be privelidged enough to be able to share really is astounding. Ive dived with angel sharks, white tip reef sharks and thresher sharks. Also rays, dugongs (google them they are so special) and one of the best things I ever saw was a tiny baby sea horse in English waters. I dive in UK throughout may to about november then head for warmer waters in winter. Next week I fly to Egypt to pick up a boat to take me down to the red sea border of Sudan to dive with sharks again. I find animals and fish so much more preferable company than humans.

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)