Millionaire Mystery Box

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  • #143467
    Monkeyyyman6 WANTED $8



    A couple of things to say in response to your comments when playing Millionaire Mystery Box


    You stated that the autoupdating balance immediately after pushing the start button was spoiling the game for you. Well, it’s really quite simple..  DON’T  look at the balance when playing !! You’ve said it on other games too that display the balance on a win, before the animation plays out! Again, don’t look at the balance. I can watch yours and other people’s videos without feeling the need to keep an eye on the balance every single spin.. just watch the reels!

    And whilst on this subject, what you see in Millionaire Mystery Box (balance updates immediately after pressing start, before the animation plays out) is the exact same for EVERY game you play.. as soon as the start button is pushed, the win or loss amount has been determined.. the reel spins,cascades and animations is how it arrives at that immediately determined win/loss. So you shouting out stupid things like “there is plenty of room” or “how did it not drop a whatever there??” makes absolutely ZERO difference… The only difference between Millionaire and other games is you can immediately see the balance..  The RNG decides immediately on hitting the button what your winnor loss will be , and guess what, if it has decided its a losing spin, having 2 million spaces won’t help!!!

    Please, try to learn how games work, before spouting such nonsense 😄 🤣 😂 😆


    YNWA up the Reds!!

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