Money behind the streamers

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  • #110788
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Morning all,

    I’m not wanting to get in to the age old argument about affiliation and the money behind it, bandit has explained it all before so it’s not about opening that can of worms again, my main point is If someone can help me work out how it’s possible for a certain streamer who has moved to  Ireland and has 2 people working for him makes legitimate money to sustain it…..other than it being fake money……

    So him and his merry crew have rented a place in Ireland purely to stream from, let’s say that’s (hypothetically) 750 a month, his trips back and forth there and travel for the 3 of them including transfers etc prob 250, the wages for them, cant see that being minimum wage either, hazard a guess at minimum of 2k each a month? Then on top of that the amount he spunks every month on slots must be about 30k minimum , thats being Conservative id say….so let’s say outgoings of 35k a month? How on earth is that sustainable if the moneys real? There’s no way he’s creaming 40k a month back from affiliation and sponsors so other than fake money how does it all add up? And he isn’t a man that comes from money, he was in one dead end job to another before this nonsense!

    I remember someone posting saying it doesn’t do any harm and just to ignore it but wheres the ethics in all this? If the money is real he his making ludicrous money from dodgy sites based on people’s losses that he does nothing to safeguard or help with and if it is fake money then playing slots at that stakes is extremely poor practise!

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    U need to go through the streams for the month , few big cash outs in there , so he not just losing the amount he puts in . And advertising so many casinos , u only need 500 a month from each one .

    Jimbo183 WANTED $29

    I know what your saying bro the guys an absolute fraud anyone want to make a deposit at Slot Jerry? 😂😂 Definitely not the sites he pushes is diabolical every single person who actually makes an account on his sites message him about not getting there withdrawal and he just blanks them.

    Jimbo183 WANTED $29

    Imagine losing 2k a day and not be phased but still live in shitty council house only difference is he’s got a mortgage

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Yeah many people say about bandit oh he’s fake . Fake money fake fake fake .

    you can definitely tell bandits not fake he showed the Range Rover he bought for the mrs , a small picture of his new home with his winnings from REEL king now spoofing 70k on a session is brutal and sometimes makes me feel queezy just thinking of what that amount of money could do .
    showing the ups and downs of all the casinos a few years back showed how much money he got back from that power plays .

    and also there has never been a mention about shopping at Asda in any videos for some time must have moved up to M&S .


    Also I’ve often thought about reactions from some streamers but bandits jamming jars epic win can not be faked !

    trojancorpse WANTED $1

    Dc39 wrote:

    And he isn’t a man that comes from money, he was in one dead end job to another before this nonsense!

    I’m pretty sure in one video he mentioned he was living at home with his mum.

    in all honesty, i’m pretty sure he’s not playing with fake money – they were just bonus whoring originally, which in the long term (assuming bonuses were all +EV) generates profit. Pretty sure him and old 2 skodas put their profits together to start doing this on the side

    The majority of the times he streams, he nearly always has a bonus attached, which will most likely be +EV and he will almost certainly have bonuses you don’t see off stream.

    The EV from the bonuses may well cover any losses so they would not need loads in affiliate revenue to cover wages etc… Even then, if they’re all bonus whoring offstream from the 1000s of other casinos available, it is fairly easy to live off those profits without even touching the affiliate revenue

    The devil WANTED $76

    Anyone trying to justify or makes excuses for the person in question your also a joke, just like someone said what he does isn’t sustainable regardless of what bonuses and shit you’ve got, he is a parasite and a con man simple as that, if you had the money he claims you wouldn’t keep putting it back into content you would actually sorting ya life out, he only got a mortgage not long ago, start building savings for your kids, all the things any normal person does, however he decides I’ll do £40-£50 pound spins on danger, book of dead and captain venture and now massive bonus buys why not haha it’s laughable really is, in my opinion he’s a fraud and anyone that does support him is 1 an idiot and 2 has about as many brain cells as the bloke himself and the other 2 plonkers that work alongside him, they make Rodney from only fools and horses seem like Albert Einstein

    Slot WANTED $51

    how much Chipmonkz Slots lose a week not even drug deals can afford, Of course, he plays on fake money, we should report him to trading standards 😂

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Slot wrote:

    how much Chipmonkz Slots lose a week not even drug deals can afford, Of course, he plays on fake money, we should report him to trading standards 😂

    Nah he’s totally legit cause my mates brother’s cousins Aunties father cat twice removed from my mums dad side says so …..

    Slot WANTED $51

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Slot wrote:

    how much Chipmonkz Slots lose a week not even drug deals can afford, Of course, he plays on fake money, we should report him to trading standards 😂

    Nah he’s totally legit cause my mates brother’s cousins Aunties father cat twice removed from my mums dad side says so …..

    is it him?


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Slot wrote:

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Slot wrote:

    how much Chipmonkz Slots lose a week not even drug deals can afford, Of course, he plays on fake money, we should report him to trading standards 😂

    Nah he’s totally legit cause my mates brother’s cousins Aunties father cat twice removed from my mums dad side says so …..

    is it him?

    <iframe title=”Trainwreckstv Explains Roshtein Beef | Fake Money vs. Real Money” src=”; width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>


    Hey you know Juan as well….. small world

    Slot WANTED $51

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Slot wrote:

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Slot wrote:

    how much Chipmonkz Slots lose a week not even drug deals can afford, Of course, he plays on fake money, we should report him to trading standards 😂

    Nah he’s totally legit cause my mates brother’s cousins Aunties father cat twice removed from my mums dad side says so …..

    is it him?

    <iframe title=”Trainwreckstv Explains Roshtein Beef | Fake Money vs. Real Money” src=”; width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>


    Hey you know Juan as well….. small world

    yes he sings in this song

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Slot wrote:

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Slot wrote:

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Slot wrote:

    how much Chipmonkz Slots lose a week not even drug deals can afford, Of course, he plays on fake money, we should report him to trading standards 😂

    Nah he’s totally legit cause my mates brother’s cousins Aunties father cat twice removed from my mums dad side says so …..

    is it him?

    <iframe title=”Trainwreckstv Explains Roshtein Beef | Fake Money vs. Real Money” src=”; width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>


    Hey you know Juan as well….. small world

    yes he sings in this song

    <iframe title=”Funny Song” src=”; width=”640″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

    Ha well played sir. A tip of my cap at you sir

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