Moon princess

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  • #39878
    Brad_r WANTED $1

    I love this game but I never bonus it £500 at 60p stake something wrong there I don’t want it on the ban list just yet get a bonus  on it to show me it can pay

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    It does my tits in this game, there is always one little sweaty bellend left at the end so the bonus doesn’t trigger lol Bastard game 😀

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    Great Game. Never In Doubt 🙂


    Tricardo WANTED $12

    Not a fan. Given it loads of chances. None of my last few Love bonuses have done anything (and they take forever to hit). I’ll do 50 – 100 spins every now and again but no more. Base game rinses you.

    n1ckK WANTED $3

    Hey Bandit – post number 1!

    I’m jut watching your latest video as I always do (been watching you fro the start).

    Moon P is my favourite type of game, don’t know why it just appeals to my problem solving brain.

    It took me a while but let me try to explain why you get trinity with 4 girls sometimes and why it leaves 1 behind like it did on your video….

    Although the girls together create wins they are treated as different symbols (love, star, storm etc) Therefore if you have a line of 4 girls and let’s say 3 together are love and the 4th is storm you get the line of 3 + the line of 4 making the 3 hits you need for a trinity.

    On the bonus the storm always takes away 2 symbols. What you needed was all the girls to be different or all the girls to be the same. Unfortunately (and the game knows what it’s doing) you had 3 girls of the same symbol plus the green circle which is why it removed those ‘2’ symbols.

    Hope that helps??

    PS Rise of Olympus works in exactly the same way!

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