More CopyCats and a Good Curse

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  • #101613
    mrrickers WANTED $3

    I have been watching old Bandit and he stated that he might curse too much.  Anyone think he curses too much?  Me, never, good stuff and yes sir it is part of your charm.


    As for CopyCats, there are more out there, but when you are the one and only Bandit, you should expect that.  Some are using the .UK, some add a 1 and others are using different platforms like Istagram.  No matter what, if you need Bandit, do not get a cheat replica, get the real one, the one who will let you know he is not greedy, will curse like a sailor, and is worth the time watching.

    These CCs all want you to sign up for something….

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    You can always tell who the real bandit is, when ever he’s around reactoonz and honey rush start crying

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    He never swears outside making a video, so he lets it all out then ?

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Xbobmad wrote:

    He never swears outside making a video, so he lets it all out then ?

    Ha you haven’t heard him walk home after a “ bad “ reel king session….. fucking hedgehogs get punted to Chester

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