Mr Green

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  • #27865
    Jok3st3r WANTED $6

    Hi Mr Bandit

    How come there’s isn’t a Mr Green giveaway this month?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    They have ignored my enquiries about sorting this withdrawal fee bollocks so i have canned them as it stands. I don’t play at places that charge me a tenner to get my own money back – it was a really simple fix tbh, just let anyone that went through my link withdrawal fee free but no, just got ignored, several times too.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    There’s the free to enter Fat Santa Xmas Knockout isn’t there so at least there is still something to enter if that is what you are worried about mate.

    Jok3st3r WANTED $6

    Not worried about it just curious.

    I did have such a bad session on Mr Green, bonuses, what bonuses! Really stupid to be honest but we’ve all been there eh. Gamban is calling, has been for some time, this was my wake up call. Just got to find the balls to sign up!

    But I am hearing how it was the best thing people have done.


    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Yeah a lot of people have found that Gamban has saved them a shit load of money, like an eye opening amount, perhaps give it a try on the 3 month free code and see how much you have saved in those 3 months and then at least, if it hasn’t really worked, it was just a 3 month commitment to begin with.

    rikitiki2727 WANTED $0

    yeah i am also really annoyied with with the whole Mr Green withdrawl charge, they are already making a shit load off of the players at the casino and then they take a bit more! it was nice to see you cover people that had made a withdrawl so good on ya bandit, just got done watching your single slot seris on vikings megaways an also expirienced the first press bin off a lot but with the new millionaire btg game, id deposited a grand and thought id try for a quick bonus just on a £2 stake the base game is usually nice to ya and all that, which i have to say stayed to its word. 30 minutes or so in i got my first bonus and bang the first gamble lost, (tilt mode) i thought f**k it ill get just one more and never the less it happened again and again, to the point 3 hours later yes 3 hours later i had lost 5 bonuses in a row on the first place and i had about 98 quid left, i thought f this im just gunna leave cause i can see myself going down a bad route re depositing and losing that too. Bang good ole Mr green slapped me on the way out and still charged me for taking out my change of a loss! haha Bastards the lot of them, Merry christmas from them eh, oh and dont worry you can keep the quid buddy haha, hope you have a nice christmas and new year.

    Jok3st3r WANTED $6

    The Bandit wrote:

    Yeah a lot of people have found that Gamban has saved them a shit load of money, like an eye opening amount, perhaps give it a try on the 3 month free code and see how much you have saved in those 3 months and then at least, if it hasn’t really worked, it was just a 3 month commitment to begin with.

    I meant gamstop! That’s where the real commitment is ?

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