Mr Q Says Natwest Bank fails to support withdrawals to your debit card.

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  • #145363
    Jane279 WANTED $3

    Hi guys has anyone had any odd stuff with Mr Q lately. I updated my new debit card made sure I deleted old one deposited fine but when I wanted to make a withdrawal it came up with “Your bank does not support withdrawals to your debit card” then asking me to do a process linking my bank account. On these 4 steps it comes up with select new bank account. Its not a new bank account the same I have always used. Anyway rang my bank Natwest they said there is nothing stopping a refund to my card. So it appears I am being misled by Mr Q so I am loathe to do this link they insist I must do without a proper explanation as why suddenly they are refusing to pay a withdrawal back on my normal bank account debit card. Sorry for long post. Has anyone else had this before. Thanks Jane

    mrsdoyle1968 WANTED $9

    Hi, this is going to sound ridiculous, was your old card Visa, I know that Nat West changed to Mastercard as I bank with them and I’ve had problems with a couple of companies outside of the gaming industry since the swap.  They take Mastercard for payments but won’t refund back to it!!  I know it sounds crazy!!  Check with Mr Q why they don’t support your card.

    Jane279 WANTED $3

    Thankyou for that as I said I rang Natwest and they assured me there should be no reason why I can’t withdraw back onto my card. Thankyou so much for your input I can now put that question forward to Natwest and Mr Q.

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