My forum opinions

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    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    I will probably get some stick for this but I feel I need to say. When I joined the site I expected this just to be some lighthearted fun. Twice in 2 days I’ve read about 2 people toppings themselves and questioning life numerous posts about blowing Xmas wages can’t pay rent or buy presents and 1 this morning about been homeless.What do these people expect bandit to say it’s your lucky day here have 300 quid or something it’s not happening.Its doom and gloom sometimes.Half the people on here and trying to get handouts while a lot of others think they are qualified counsellors or financial advisers. People complain about games not bonusing in 1000’s of spins why cos bandit did a give away few weeks ago on a video.My advice why even play a game that’s notorious for not getting the bonus in the first place like bonanza or diamond if it doesn’t come after 200 spins bin the bloody game.I just thought the site would be a bit of fun but it’s actually quite depressing what you read.If I wanted doom and gloom id watch eastenders. 1st lesson in gambling when you get paid make sure rent/mortgage paid .Pay bills, fill fridge,freezer.Make sure direct debits are covered,fill the car up then at least if you blow the rest you can sit in nice warm house pig out and watch shit telly till next pay day.Sorry rant over

    Fudwoods WANTED $53

    You just wrote down what a lot of people are thinking bro, I’ve come back to see if forum is improving but no it’s still to painful, bandits killed it with the giveaways, great heart and great guy but what he has done has just attracted money grabbing bitches, sick of it, I’ll be back next week hoping it’s not still raining nobheads In here

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    I know where u coming from . Just read one post who broke his tv and laptop . And his main concern was watching the bandits video on his phone . I’m sorry but watching the bandits video would not be my major concern .

    aps31 WANTED $15

    thunderball6 wrote:

    I know where u coming from . Just read one post who broke his tv and laptop . And his main concern was watching the bandits video on his phone . I’m sorry but watching the bandits video would not be my major concern .

    Haha best reply on here for ages.

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    The forum is still fairly young a lot of the people that post will soon stop when they realise that not every post moaning about one thing or another gets a giveaway.

    But there does seem to be a massive amount of these posts lately and I’m sure Bandit must be getting sick of them by now. Surely it takes some of the fun out of doing the random giveaways which is something he clearly enjoys.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    I think that the biggest issue is knowing who is legitimate. I know some people do there bollocks in and are using the forum for genuine help but others are after hand outs.

    It’s a difficult one but I do believe some of the topics are very entertaining. I think it will call down soon when people realise they are not going to get free stuff.

    People should take stock of their situation as what is a catastrophe for some is just an everyday occurrence for others: your world will not end without a laptop or tv (my IT department gave me a new laptop but I was very clear in my post I would get one from them and wasn’t asking the Bandit for one lol). Not sure if they will replace my tv though, will ask them when back in next week haha.

    As you say priorities have to be mortgage/rent, food, bills, petrol/travel and then spunk the rest on what you want.

    Hibs-1875 WANTED $16

    Hahaha get the scuba Steve suit out cause this shit just deep ?

    Allplays2 WANTED $2

    Well said pal I don’t post much on here for exactly that reason

    stony WANTED $28

    Completely agree, has become a joke all these sob stories intended to illicit money or sympathy.

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I was very critical of this before, there is 2 ways to look at it, 1. Ignore it and dont give them time of day and after i thought about it prob the best way to get round it is to post more about positive things or relavent topics, make more an effort to post! I have watched the vids for ages so if being more active on here helps then good!

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    I totally get what the original poster is saying but to be honest, that’s life. This is a website based on gambling. Most gamblers lose, that’s the nature of the beast. With that comes tales of hardship and shit hands some have been dealt over months and years gone by. It can’t all be stories of 1000x wins. I’m really happy to hear of the highs people experience but at the same time, we should all be able to empathise with the lows aswell. I wish it was as simple as playing 200 spins then binning the game off without a bonus, but for some i’m guessing it’s not that easy to do.
    Have a good day y’all! ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I think it has to be remembered here that no post is a bad post when a forum is trying to spring in to life – it is a tough project to create a lively, active, community hub and any post is welcomed. Once i have randomly given a cash boost to someone for a specific post or problem etc, it is very unlikely in the short term that the same sort of problem/post will receive the same, purely because of the influx in similar stories – you guys will just have to rely on the fact that i’m not daft and the cash will make its way to the right people.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    I made a thread last week about a crushing loss where my gambling went too far and I ended up yes as you put it “blowing Xmas wages can’t pay rent”, I didn’t ask anyone for anything. I’ve been posting on this forum since it opened about slots and gaming and continue to do so even though I’m not playing myself anymore for the time being.

    I see and understand the posts by chancers hoping Steve will chuck them some money but it’s also very unfair and insulting to some of us who post about all our gambling experiences good and bad to suggest that we’re hoping for a handout because we’re not exclusively posting about our wins. I’ve always taken personal responsibility for my gambling, I’ve never expected anyone else to pay for it and I posted my thread because it was the first time in my life I’ve ever gone too far and tilted in a way that’s cost me more than I could afford to lose. Writing about it made me feel better, like I didn’t have to keep this dark cloud to myself. It allowed me to process and understand what I was feeling and the thought processes which gripped me and led me to make a mistake. I thought it may also help other people who are or have been in similar situations feel better too, to know they’re not alone. And finally as a warning that a really bad day can happen to any of us.

    Look through my posting history – I answer questions, I express opinions, I share big wins I’ve had including several over the weeks preceding my big loss. It would frankly be fucking dishonest if I didn’t then post about the day I had last week, in the same way it would be if The Bandit never showed you any of his losing sessions. The nature of gambling is that sometimes it’s “doom and gloom”.

    smc-lockk WANTED $8

    Personaly if i’ve had a bad time i limit who i turn to , several times i’ve DM’d bandit or another streamer for advice etc never looking fot anything other than advice and i feel they genuinly try to assist with the advice given. Some people with just post their hardships because they are that way inclined, if anything its an insight into the true nature of what really happens when you gamble, leave them to it, if you feel it’s a ‘beg’ then dont respond to it if you feel it’s genuine offer your opinion or advice, not all will be there looking for a handout some will just genuinely want to let it out and have a lil vent to a community which undoubtably is full of people who have or are experiancing much the same, its all love guys switch the negatives around and try and change someones mindset to a positive one 🙂 much love ❤️

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    I knew when I wrote the original post it was highly controversial I will say what I’ve found is 99% percent of the people on the forum are genuine and nice people this was aimed at a small minority.I try and bring something different to the forum and admittedly sometimes I can be controversial but I aim is to create something interesting which will attract replies and different views and I feel I have achieved that

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