My year so far

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  • #41769
    the_l0stchild WANTED $2

    So it started on New Year’s Eve, $50 in, 2k out. I was in utter disbelief. (Keep in mind im a student living at home) The slots were going off their bollocks.

    Next big session was this past weekend. $50 in, 1k out, another $50 in, 2k out this time. I set my daily limits to $100 a day, so I don’t go tilt and chase a win. Napoleon and Vikings have been my slot of choice so far. Paying very well. I’ve got big wins up if anyone wants to see.

    I was well excited about those wins, I tried to not wake the whole house up as it was daft o’clock ?‍♂️

    Next mental session started that night, couldn’t sleep and had seen some play on the new slot called The Wiz, well $100 in this time, had a line of sun’s with a 4x wild.. $400 for that. Jumped over to my favorite slots Napoleon and Vikings for a bit, balance north of 1k in a short amount of time. This I when I lost my mind completely and decided to chase a bonus on The Wiz on a $20 bet.

    To my utter disbelief, 3 bonus symbols, went for $1.7k. I was buzzing my tits off. Balance was sitting around 2.5k, playing it down to 2k, then I’m leaving. 4 bonus symbols roll in… My jaw drops when i see the $$ printing right in front of me. $3.3k it went for.

    Ended up withdrawing 4k, and another 1k. I hit the limit ?

    So that puts me up 10k for the year. Madness I tell you.

    I’ve used some of that money to pay off my car and bought a new computer. Rest is going into savings.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Crazy run mate, just be careful and make sure you spend the money on stuff as you go and then it will be impossible to give it all back! Enjoy the winnings!

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    sweet run you had! You’ll remember that feeling for the rest of your life. Just be careful not to chase it because it most likely won’t be pretty. Berry well done to you. And for paying off car and computer.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    What an awesome run! Congrats….don’t give it them back!

    Mine –

    £120 into grosvenor, no bonus on wwtbam at 20p/40p stakes

    £40 into Paddy, not even enough turnaround to get the £5 free for wagering £50 in Paddy Reward Club

    £40 into videoslots, never went above deposit amount till gone ?

    Blocked other accounts for the month in anger ?


    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Awesome runs bud, really happy to hear you managed to profit on the slots! As others have said, make sure to not gift that money back to the casino. Winning streaks are always a bit scary as you can end up feeling “invincible” and giving it all back down the line.

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