Napoleon bonus

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  • #27538
    Teza88 WANTED $4

    Just wondering how people have experienced getting a bonus on Napoleon, I’ve tried for ages and finally got a bonus and it went for a big fat ZERO! Absolutely gutted!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I find it ridiculously hard tbh, when it first came out it seemed to like throwing big base game hits but i haven’t had one of those for a while now either 😀

    Ramm WANTED $32

    I have managed 2 in my time on the game and they have both been unspectacular. The game is on my avoid list.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’ve had around 20-25 but I grind it a lot. I’d say 3/4 have been 0 bonuses, 10/15 have been around 50x and the rest have been 75x -150x plus.

    Seems to bonus easier on lower stakes compared to stakes around £1 in my circumstances.

    Basegame seems to pay more than the bonus most days.

    Also seems to come in more if I spam click rather than autoplay.

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