Need help fun has stopped for me

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  • #33675
    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    Too true I think it would have been a different story too. My worries are over now as it’s obvious he was just after a quick few quid.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Redcorvette wrote:

    Ok my views,  the Op stated that he had lost his entire wages for the month in 27 minutes.  His next post states that he was loading thousands from his card even though he was self excluded from all the bookies.

    He hasn’t gambled for 2 years, has thousands in the bank but goes into the bookies because he wants to get a few pounds for Christmas presents.

    He then doesn’t take up the very generous offers from members on this site to help out with his homeless situation?

    Call me a cynic but if that 7 days accommodation had been an offer of £300 cash there may have been a different response.

    As an aside I will take 7 days accommodation.  I’ll email you the address of the Hilton in Fiji- anyone care to help out with flight costs ?


    Just imagine if it’s true . Best just to not jump to conclusions .

    Redcorvette WANTED $19

    thunderball6 wrote:

    Redcorvette wrote:

    Ok my views,  the Op stated that he had lost his entire wages for the month in 27 minutes.  His next post states that he was loading thousands from his card even though he was self excluded from all the bookies.

    He hasn’t gambled for 2 years, has thousands in the bank but goes into the bookies because he wants to get a few pounds for Christmas presents.

    He then doesn’t take up the very generous offers from members on this site to help out with his homeless situation?

    Call me a cynic but if that 7 days accommodation had been an offer of £300 cash there may have been a different response.

    As an aside I will take 7 days accommodation.  I’ll email you the address of the Hilton in Fiji- anyone care to help out with flight costs ?


    Just imagine if it’s true . Best just to not jump to conclusions .

    Agreed – but also best not to take everything at face value – was just highlighting what I saw to be slight anomalies.  Obviously I hope if it is true that the guy is OK and gets some help

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    That’s why I would rather help someone out with goods rather than cash. Blown your money? No worries. I don’t judge as I’ve done it myself. I will fill your freezer up with food for the month so you don’t starve, or if the Mrs has thrown you out you can crash at mine or get a hotel. Pay me back when your on your feet. But I will not give you cash to go and blow it on a FOBT. Also if your genuine you will take the food etc. It’s not charity and there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

    Just remember if someone helps You, when your in a position to help out then return the favour. But some people will always push it a bit to far.

    I really do hope the op is ok either way.if my managed to sort everything out or get a place well done. But at least let people on here know your ok. It’s the right thing to do after people offered to help you

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    That’s why I would rather help someone out with goods rather than cash. Blown your money? No worries. I don’t judge as I’ve done it myself. I will fill your freezer up with food for the month so you don’t starve, or if the Mrs has thrown you out you can crash at mine or get a hotel. Pay me back when your on your feet. But I will not give you cash to go and blow it on a FOBT. Also if your genuine you will take the food etc. It’s not charity and there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

    Just remember if someone helps You, when your in a position to help out then return the favour. But some people will always push it a bit to far.

    I really do hope the op is ok either way.if my managed to sort everything out or get a place well done. But at least let people on here know your ok. It’s the right thing to do after people offered to help you

    You’re a good man, Andy.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Biohazard wrote:

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    That’s why I would rather help someone out with goods rather than cash. Blown your money? No worries. I don’t judge as I’ve done it myself. I will fill your freezer up with food for the month so you don’t starve, or if the Mrs has thrown you out you can crash at mine or get a hotel. Pay me back when your on your feet. But I will not give you cash to go and blow it on a FOBT. Also if your genuine you will take the food etc. It’s not charity and there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

    Just remember if someone helps You, when your in a position to help out then return the favour. But some people will always push it a bit to far.

    I really do hope the op is ok either way.if my managed to sort everything out or get a place well done. But at least let people on here know your ok. It’s the right thing to do after people offered to help you

    You’re a good man, Andy.

    People helped me out massively in the past mate and I was in a bad way through gambling. Came out the other side and sorted myself out so I know how hard it can be so don’t mind helping if I can

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    If OP has a job and a means to fix things for himself, then all we can do is listen and offer support. Maybe if we are feeling rich we can offer a Travel Lodge, which is very adequate and generous. Bandit, respectfully sir, you are not rich. I worked in finance and know what rich is (it’s not me either haha). If Mike Ashley doesn’t think he is Father Christmas, you certainly shouldn’t try to be.

    If assistance is given by the community for shelter, food, £20 for the phone bill, maybe a Xmas present for a kid in hospital, OK, but otherwise the culture of giving away raw cash based on sentiment must stop. It’s impossible to be sure and “pics or it didn’t happen” isn’t what vulnerable people need to hear.

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    That’s why I would rather help someone out with goods rather than cash. Blown your money? No worries. I don’t judge as I’ve done it myself. I will fill your freezer up with food for the month so you don’t starve, or if the Mrs has thrown you out you can crash at mine or get a hotel. Pay me back when your on your feet. But I will not give you cash to go and blow it on a FOBT. Also if your genuine you will take the food etc. It’s not charity and there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

    Just remember if someone helps You, when your in a position to help out then return the favour. But some people will always push it a bit to far.

    I really do hope the op is ok either way.if my managed to sort everything out or get a place well done. But at least let people on here know your ok. It’s the right thing to do after people offered to help you

    THIS ^ 100%

    I think a point I made in an earlier post on this thread suggesting this guy may have been pulling a fast one, something along the lines of why post on a gambling forum almost “begging” for help using the libraries wifi when he clearly had bigger issues at hand. It may be blunt and possibly an oversight on my part but if I was completely on my arse/homeless I would not seek comfort from a community of gamblers on an internet forum.

    Too many iiinconsistencys from OP as pointed out by others.

    I still feel the need to say tho, that if this guy is genuine I wish you all the best and hope you get the help that you need!

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    I really hope OP wasn’t lying to try for free money off someone else’s sympathy and generosity. I really, really hope that isn’t what’s happened here. I would always give someone writing on here the benefit of the doubt, because I know how often these horror stories of misery and ruin are actually true, so I’d never jump on anyone with cynicism by default in that respect. But while chancers in the sense of new sign ups going “oh yeah anyone else done 20,000 spins on whatever megaways and not got a bonus? I just done 5 grand through it and it never paid me more than 20p” are easy to spot, the very thought of anyone concocting a story like the one in this thread makes me both angry and sad. As I say, I just sincerely hope it isn’t what happened, that the guy’s story was genuine and that he’s doing okay and making progress getting his life back together.

    I’ve never seen any other streamer or video producer care about their community and supporters in the way The Bandit does. The sheer empathetic gravitas of a stranger you’ve never met, particularly one which only knows you as a voice on the internet, offering to buy you a place in a hotel room is rarer than a four leaf clover, it takes a very genuinely good soul to offer that. As does the other offers of help which came from other forum members. It’s a truly top crowd here.

    Anyway, I am off to start on today’s video, should give me a good bit of entertainment after the first day back at work!

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    argyl53 wrote:

    I really hope OP wasn’t lying to try for free money off someone else’s sympathy and generosity. I really, really hope that isn’t what’s happened here. I would always give someone writing on here the benefit of the doubt, because I know how often these horror stories of misery and ruin are actually true, so I’d never jump on anyone with cynicism by default in that respect. But while chancers in the sense of new sign ups going “oh yeah anyone else done 20,000 spins on whatever megaways and not got a bonus? I just done 5 grand through it and it never paid me more than 20p” are easy to spot, the very thought of anyone concocting a story like the one in this thread makes me both angry and sad. As I say, I just sincerely hope it isn’t what happened, that the guy’s story was genuine and that he’s doing okay and making progress getting his life back together.

    I’ve never seen any other streamer or video producer care about their community and supporters in the way The Bandit does. The sheer empathetic gravitas of a stranger you’ve never met, particularly one which only knows you as a voice on the internet, offering to buy you a place in a hotel room is rarer than a four leaf clover, it takes a very genuinely good soul to offer that. As does the other offers of help which came from other forum members. It’s a truly top crowd here.

    Anyway, I am off to start on today’s video, should give me a good bit of entertainment after the first day back at work!

    Well said . The community on here is so good . When u have the bandit doing so many nice things for people , it’s gonna rub off on to people in here . Even I was going to lend someone 25 pound on new years eve . For electric and to feed his dog . But I don’t think I would have offered on any other forum .

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    People could learn a lot from this thread. Seriously.

    What a community we are building here. Genuinely lovely people who are willing to help out someone that they have never met.

    *wipes away tear*

    This is something to be proud of! And to anyone reading, I stand with the others, if anyone needs some advice or support, just ask for a chat.

    chipnroll WANTED $17

    im also 30 much same story got online at 18 mainly poker was making a decant amount until a few yrs back see vids online got roped in now im down 10s of thousands finally come to a head other night when i got gamban hoping to restore some cash and normality to life only to get abused on here by a bunch of c**ts saying it was my own fault id done my balls in just stay away from online and bookies if you need a fix hit the arcade atleast ul only punt £50 or so for a good session

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    chipnroll wrote:

    im also 30 much same story got online at 18 mainly poker was making a decant amount until a few yrs back see vids online got roped in now im down 10s of thousands finally come to a head other night when i got gamban hoping to restore some cash and normality to life only to get abused on here by a bunch of c**ts saying it was my own fault id done my balls in just stay away from online and bookies if you need a fix hit the arcade atleast ul only punt £50 or so for a good session

    As i said initially, which you seem to be having an incredibly hard time accepting but it’s the facts, unfortunately your initial post landed when we were getting peppered by abusive trolls and your snipe about affiliate earnings made you look like the same person, a mistake was made and the situation was explained, you don’t seem to be recognising my reply to that though. There isn’t much more i can do.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    chipnroll wrote:

    im also 30 much same story got online at 18 mainly poker was making a decant amount until a few yrs back see vids online got roped in now im down 10s of thousands finally come to a head other night when i got gamban hoping to restore some cash and normality to life only to get abused on here by a bunch of c**ts saying it was my own fault id done my balls in just stay away from online and bookies if you need a fix hit the arcade atleast ul only punt £50 or so for a good session

    Erm it was your fault

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