Need Little advice on speaking to family about gambling.

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    Fairylamb89 WANTED $3

    So i owe my parents about 2 nd a half grand after they paid most my debt off, its down from about 25K. Past 3 weeks or so I’ve missed payments to them but they have said nothing. I have openly offered to make a catch up payment next week as I’ve had money to pay to my partner as she is in a bit of a pickle. My mother has asked to see my bank statements and to see if i have not been gambling, she would wipe the debt. Or if i have she wants me to engage in therapy, ive been there before! Well i have been gambling but kept it under control, apart from a ridiculous phonebill i had but paid it off. I’ want to tell her the truth but feel embarrassed as she has helped me out a lot. What would you do and how would you explain?

    Mikeskinner1985 WANTED $5


    honesty has to be the best policy for you. It’s obvious your parents care for you and want the best. You’re lucky in that sense as gamblers we put people threw hell at times. But right now, either way she’s going to find out. If you rufuse to show bank statements. She’ll know why. Or if you do. They will be transactions on there.

    Whether the transactions are big/small, doesn’t make that much difference to a non gambler as it’s still gambling. But it sounds like your not in to bad a place, either gambling or financially if you can pay the extra this month. So explain that and we’re your at and I’m sure you’ll be fine. No one ever really gained in the long run by lying. Plus, if you’re worried or embarrassed about things it’s clearly playing on your mind.

    Good luck whatever you choose

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I would tell your parents, but also sign up to gamstop. You say that you have been gambling, but have it under control, yet you still have been missing payments to your parents. If you gamstop for 6 months, prove to your mum that you cant gamble after this, you can at least pay her back and have a break from gambling. If you still gamble ahead of paying bills, you dont have it under control. You should only gamble with money you can afford to lose, and clearly you cant afford to lose it at the moment. I’m sorry if I sound harsh but I think this is something you should seriously consider.

    BSK1 WANTED $48

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    I’d definitely just put a grand on red and double your money and pay the missed payments

    Fairylamb89 WANTED $3

    If i had a grand, I’d just be upfront with everyone because then atleast I’d have money i could say i didn’t gamble, or that i did and had a win and I’ll stop there. Would be easier to explain if i had a win from the site ive been using but ive only been withdrawing 50 quid here and there, which doesn’t cover my losses. May aswel just come out with it and be honest, thanks for advice.

    BSK1 WANTED $48

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    What job do you Fairylamb89?

    Linzslots4291 WANTED $2

    Gamstop sweetheart. I have and it’s the best thing I ever did. I still crave a gamble every now and then but I watch bandit and he makes me feel better. Watch your bank balance go from nothing to actually having money to do things with. That’s a win in itself my friend x

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Fairylamb89 wrote:

    So i owe my parents about 2 nd a half grand after they paid most my debt off, its down from about 25K. Past 3 weeks or so I’ve missed payments to them but they have said nothing. I have openly offered to make a catch up payment next week as I’ve had money to pay to my partner as she is in a bit of a pickle. My mother has asked to see my bank statements and to see if i have not been gambling, she would wipe the debt. Or if i have she wants me to engage in therapy, ive been there before! Well i have been gambling but kept it under control, apart from a ridiculous phonebill i had but paid it off. I’ want to tell her the truth but feel embarrassed as she has helped me out a lot. What would you do and how would you explain?

    Just be honest it’s the only way to move forward join gamstop as others have suggested for a 6 month minimum and get your finances back on track the moment you start missing repayments to family or a loan you should definitely not be gambling anything. Good luck going forward.

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