11th August 2018 at 10:29 am #13298
oh ok sorry paul i put my info on the paypal message that was my bad. my email is [email protected], full name matthew goddard and team name Bazinga FC. Also sorry for late reply
Hi matthew
yeah mate I recieved your tenner yesterday, I see you in the league and now I have your email so all good ?
thanks and all the best
211th August 2018 at 11:13 am #13299Hey Paul, have sent email with the paypal transaction id for backofthenet team buy in, ta.
111th August 2018 at 11:42 am #13222Hi, I’ve entered the league but can’t make payment until Saturday is that going to be an issue?
Hi Liam
Ive been advertising this for weeks now. Deadline is this Friday night I’m afraid. I know it sounds harsh but currently got 705 in league and 558 paid so I need to sort out the numbers so I can confirm the payouts and I will be starting this over the weekend.
Hopefully you can sort out payment by Friday night mate
Ah that’s fair mate.. if I’m honest I watch bandits videos on the regular but don’t often browse the forum it was only last night when I saw his latest video that I knew about it. I’m sure I can sort it out by tomorrow if needs be. Cheers
Hi Liam
Aye The Bandit has done me a big favour by endorsing my league to find new people to get involved. Was 379 last season currently 580 and still climbing!
If you manage to sort payment let me know and I can confirm receipt! I also need for you to confirm to me your full name and a valid email address so I can find you in league and keep you updated throughout the season.
Hi Paul,
just transferred over the £10.
my email address is [email protected]
let me know you’ve found me and all is good?
Got it mate thanks!
all the best
11th August 2018 at 11:45 am #13306For some weird reason, the odd reply gets unapproved and only goes on when i see it and approve it so that is probably why you thought you replied to a couple already mate, i will try and keep an eye on them, it seems to be a multi quote problem i think.
1111th August 2018 at 2:10 pm #13315For some weird reason, the odd reply gets unapproved and only goes on when i see it and approve it so that is probably why you thought you replied to a couple already mate, i will try and keep an eye on them, it seems to be a multi quote problem i think.
Yeah when there is a couple of replies it looks a bit messy but just want to make sure the guys know I’m replying to them
thanks for keeping eye on it Bandit ?
13th August 2018 at 10:24 am #13390Just sent a tenner via PayPal. Team is ClapTraps United.
Hope you received it OK.
Hi Coilin
Not sure if you seen my reply a few days ago but your PayPal payment wasn’t received for the full £10 entry fee.
Can I ask you sort this discrepancy out ASAP
13th August 2018 at 3:36 pm #13414Hi Paul,
Just sent £10 to your account.
My email is [email protected].
Team name – Pique Blinders.
Let me know if there any problems.
1113th August 2018 at 7:07 pm #13434Hi just got the email and saw my name was on the list (Michael Roberts). I thought i entered the league but i can see on my leagues i have not. I just tried to enter the league but get a message saying The creator of this league has banned you from entering.
email [email protected]
1113th August 2018 at 9:39 pm #13437Hi Paul,
Just sent £10 to your account.
My email is [email protected].
Team name – Pique Blinders.
Let me know if there any problems.
Got you mate thanks!
You should have received a email from my mate Paul Bowman with a little update on us finalising.
any probs let me know
13th August 2018 at 9:42 pm #13438Hi just got the email and saw my name was on the list (Michael Roberts). I thought i entered the league but i can see on my leagues i have not. I just tried to enter the league but get a message saying The creator of this league has banned you from entering.
email [email protected]
Hi Michael
thanks for getting in touch and apologies for the mistake. I’ve looked at the names I’ve suspended and I can’t see a Michael Roberts. Are you down as a different name? If so I can remove suspension and you can then re-enter the league.
get back to me mate
23rd August 2018 at 6:40 am #17594Hi Terry
Yesterday I sent out my first group email and it appears your email address provided isn’t valid.
Can you check it and advise?
27th August 2018 at 9:03 pm #17792Just sent a tenner via PayPal. Team is ClapTraps United.
Hope you received it OK.
Alright Coilin
Not sure if you have seen my previous messages to you regarding your entry fee being short and not having an email address to keep you posted on updates throughout the season!
Please get in touch ASAP
29th August 2018 at 8:21 pm #1786929th August 2018 at 9:45 pm #17876Yeah it’s [email protected] musta missed a five sorry
Awesome Terry!
I will send you on the emails I’ve sent out this week so you are up to date. Especially with the League Cup starting this week!
129th August 2018 at 10:49 pm #17883 -