new gambling website

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  • #81653
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    It can only be seen as a compliment to the design of backinamo if other people are building there sites to be similar so props to @spidermint for the great job he has done here.

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Seedy wrote:

    It can only be seen as a compliment to the design of backinamo if other people are building there sites to be similar so props to @spidermint for the great job he has done here.

    Agreed, it’s very similar to BIAM but with one awful difference for it’s members, I haven’t joined ?. I wonder if JB, Mr.B and Jon Scholes are having arguments there yet? ??

    appleman91 WANTED $42

    I think people are paranoid or just like picking fault at things or both. How different can you expect a mobile friendly forum to look? You scroll down the narrow page to find the different sub headings. It’s a simple but effective design imo. It’s like Ford saying VW have copied their allow wheel. It’s round with 5 spokes, how dare you make it look similar.

    Smig WANTED $23

    tbf Craig is a stand up guy cant fault him. isnt everything about making money tho ?

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    I don’t care that they both do and therefore offer something similar to the bandit (though they’ll never come close in quality, either with their channels or website), it’s just a horribly designed site.

    Black backgrounds with white text went out of fashion circa 1998 and for good reason. The HTML is horrible, using a bunch of semantically meaningless made up tags (you can generally get away with this in HTML5 and modern browsers in terms of appearance but it’s a bad idea for many other reasons to deviate from defined standards).

    It’s way too heavy on advertising and promoting their affiliate links, really shoves it in your face in a way BIAM doesn’t.

    And at the very least, just like their channels, if you can’t accuse of it directly copying the Bandit, there’s no doubt which site the “inspiration” came from – in contrast to Rocknrolla’s site for example whixh does very well in being a site in the same industry space but having very much its own identity.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    @argyl53 – I use black background with white text. Not just web browser but OS-wide. The normal way round causes eye strain for me.

    Also, why do I keep getting an error on here: “ERROR: Are you sure you wanted to do that?”

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    ImperialDragon wrote:

    @argyl53 – I use black background with white text. Not just web browser but OS-wide. The normal way round causes eye strain for me.

    Also, why do I keep getting an error on here: “ERROR: Are you sure you wanted to do that?”

    There are a few people for whom dark backgrounds work better, but extensive research shows that broadly people can read faster and with less eye strain and more accuracy when they see dark (not black) text on a light background, whereas the inverse works better for cases where people will skim rather than read (large print headings etc.)

    Obviously there are other particular use cases for dark backgrounds, for example syntax highlighting in programming where text will be in a range of colours depending on what it represents.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Think for example newspapers – the giant headline will often be white on black, whereas the article body is printed dark on white. A forum where you expect the bulk of content to be readable text is certainly a very poor choice for light on dark.

    Spidermint WANTED $100

    They say that replication is the sincerest form of flattery 🙂
    Glad people think that parts of this site are worth copying, suggests I did a reasonable job of designing it.  Certainly the way we display the prizedraws seems to have caught on.

    It’s all good, Jimbo and Craig are good lads, although I do think they need to get a room 😉


    chipnroll WANTED $17

    that come across alot worse then i ment it lol i seem to have a knack for this obviously i do think they care to a extent as much and anyone can about random people it is a business after all is what i mean if apple ripped you off which they do everyday would you think ill of them ?

    chipnroll WANTED $17

    i believe rocknrollas site came first or very close to the same time

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    chipnroll wrote:

    i believe rocknrollas site came first or very close to the same time

    Rolla’s site came up before most but design wise its very different to BIAM, Hackz has done a solid job with it over there 🙂

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    Seedy wrote:

    It can only be seen as a compliment to the design of backinamo if other people are building there sites to be similar so props to @spidermint for the great job he has done here.

    Site is good.. but does need the ‘Picks’ section changed to be more like ‘Pick a Game’ (for bandit to play)


    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    Oh and just to play Devil’s Advocate,, Went over and had a look-see …. i think the design of their site is decent.

    Stuff laid out easy to see.. very bright with the colours. font is decent.

    Personally, i wish them well, with the joint venture.. They are both decent, genuine gamblers that play with real cash and provide some very good YouTube Videos.

    Oh., and if you haven’t seen this channel…

    Hilarious Guy.. slightly mental,, but again, great content… worth a look. 🙂


    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    EnglishGuy wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    It can only be seen as a compliment to the design of backinamo if other people are building there sites to be similar so props to @spidermint for the great job he has done here.

    Site is good.. but does need the ‘Picks’ section changed to be more like ‘Pick a Game’ (for bandit to play)


    It automagically changes any selection to DONUTS £7.50 SPINS ?

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