New videos

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  • #66699
    exlns WANTED $2

    When will there be a new video out? :/

    What happened?

    Biohazard WANTED $675
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Videos will continue when YouTube sort their shit out basically – you may have noticed that the Part 2 of the Sunday Slot double from a bit ago that got removed… has just been reinstated, it’s taken that long for someone to look at it and decide that no rules were broken, following that it should only be a matter of time until the others are also reinstated for exactly the same reason but it is just a waiting game. As it stands, i still have a 2 week upload ban and then like i said in the Twitter video, it is my family holiday so potentially it could be a month until the next video is up.

    The devil WANTED $76

    Wish I had a pound for every time the bandit has had to repeat himself about this!

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    I heard a Nigerian prince emailed him to inform him he had 32 billions dollars ready to be transferred to his account after he sent some documents. He refused to send the selfie and sent off a joke 1 instead. The Nigerian prince loved his respose and sent every last doller as a good will gesture. Steve is now on his own island somewhere wondering if this slot business is for him anymore.

    Thats what i heard anyways who knows

    thatfamousjimmy WANTED $23

    The Bandit wrote:

    Videos will continue when YouTube sort their shit out basically – you may have noticed that the Part 2 of the Sunday Slot double from a bit ago that got removed… has just been reinstated, it’s taken that long for someone to look at it and decide that no rules were broken, following that it should only be a matter of time until the others are also reinstated for exactly the same reason but it is just a waiting game. As it stands, i still have a 2 week upload ban and then like i said in the Twitter video, it is my family holiday so potentially it could be a month until the next video is up.

    surely you shouldn’t have a 2 week ban if they found no rules broken with video?? 🙁

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Maybe instate a back up channel on youtube for future ball aches Bandit?

    Have a nice holiday mate ?


    springbrucesteen WANTED $77

    Mental how there’s thousands of channels of stuff (mostly shit to be honest) on sky , Netflix , amazon etc and people just want to see someone playing online slots?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    thatfamousjimmy wrote:

    The Bandit wrote:

    Videos will continue when YouTube sort their shit out basically – you may have noticed that the Part 2 of the Sunday Slot double from a bit ago that got removed… has just been reinstated, it’s taken that long for someone to look at it and decide that no rules were broken, following that it should only be a matter of time until the others are also reinstated for exactly the same reason but it is just a waiting game. As it stands, i still have a 2 week upload ban and then like i said in the Twitter video, it is my family holiday so potentially it could be a month until the next video is up.

    surely you shouldn’t have a 2 week ban if they found no rules broken with video?? ?

    You’d think lol

    Unfortunately they did it to 4 videos, the other 3 weren’t noticed by viewers simply because they were videos from 2016 and January of 2017, they were however, very much noticed by the ban police so as it stands, my uploads are still disabled.

    I have seen the comments out there that are chatting bollocks saying that i’m not banned etc and all that, what can i say, i’m banned, i showed a picture of it saying i am banned, i can probably find the email that banned me and screen shot that too but other than that, i’ve no further desire to prove that i am banned tbh, nor should i need to prove that i am banned lol What a mad world we live in.


    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Fake funds irresponsible gambling not really banned prize money isn’t real. It’s got to do your head in. Surely these people don’t follow you. This is a small minority and a reoccurring problem so why oh why respond to these muppets. Why would anyone have any reason to doubt you. I just don’t get it. I wouldn’t even bother. It’s people looking for a response. The more you respond the more these people will attempt to doubt you and try and wind you up.

    exlns WANTED $2

    It is so hard going through my week without watching one of your videos. I hope you get sorted out as soon as possible. Have a nice holiday!

    kallen67 WANTED $1

    The devil wrote:

    Wish I had a pound for every time the bandit has had to repeat himself about this!

    This is not a negative comment  (sorry  my english and feel free too coorect) I love too watch Bandits videos .The banning from youtube been done before with other streamers (mayby the bandit too). And some uswed twitch (i now why Bandit dont….i watch the last one on twitt)

    Why cant the videos upload too this site but in lower giga or splitted up?

    I am a junkie for your videos 🙂

    I only write here because i love your videos and i am selfish junkie :), i can only imagine how much time i takes you to make a1-2 hours of videos .

    Love from norway.


    have a nice holliday


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