nick slots calling out dazza now

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    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Just Basics wrote:

    Seems to me that all this shit could be just about views and traffic.

    You never know.

    I dunno if that’s the case. You could be right. (THERE, I SAID IT) I’d like to think that in some cases that the streamers are trying to be above board though.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    i think nickslots is in love with kim planning to run off together

    Anonymous WANTED $9

    I called Dazza G out months ago, he called me a troll and deleted most of my youtube comments. Glad I wasn’t the only one who could read between the lines….not once did he ever show the casino he played on…which led me to believe he was using a freeplay site….and as stated above…was using a high stake to bring himself down to the balance he wanted people to believe was his starting balance on a more realistic stake.

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