No YouTube channel ?

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  • #12515
    Thebeast2980 WANTED $1

    just started following on YouTube and entering your draws and now it says no YouTube channel ? When will July draws be done mate ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Thebeast2980 wrote:

    just started following on YouTube and entering your draws and now it says no YouTube channel ? When will July draws be done mate ?

    Hi mate, YouTube deleted the channel on July 15th. The draws will be added to the end of the next video which i believe i will be doing tomorrow. The videos are being added to the homepage here in case you were unaware.


    Cheers 😀

    sampo94 WANTED $0


    I was wondering why there wasn’t any videos released in 2-3 weeks!
    I thought Bandit was on vacation or some shit but it was a good thing i came here.
    Nice to know Bandit is still rolling!!

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