Nolimit City Wont Load On 500 Casino?

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  • #146593
    MrNiceGuy375 WANTED $1

    Anyone else seen or having this problem and know what to do?

    When i try to load any NLC slots i get the message “The location associated with your IP is not permitted to access the requested game”

    No matter what country i set my VPN at it just says the same. Bandit plays them on his vids and i have VPN set to Ireland like his but i get the error?

    Any help appreciated!

    Slot WANTED $51

    on Gamdon casino they work fine on north Macedonia IP

    TheNomad WANTED $1

    I noticed this last night, I ended up using Turkey however was unable to okay relax games. When I went over to 500 though using the same VPN it wouldn’t let me play most games. Thanks for the Macedonia VPN.

    Mark8685 WANTED $6

    Having same issue. Playing from Australia with VPN set to Ireland. Has always been fine until about a week ago.

    Tried setting to different locations, still no good.

    Contacted Casino 500 support, they were not helpful at all.

    Demoslot WANTED $1

    The UKGC was/were looking into the Evolution license for them allowing their games (studios under their umbrella) to supply games on non-licensed casinos. That’s more than likely why, and perhaps why you’ll not be able to play other providers, too, as they will all be removing them to avoid issues. I am not sure why this is if you’ve been using a VPN set somewhere else in the past; maybe it’s just the studios being more diligent and restricting their games in other geos before they get hassle from other regulators about the same thing.

    GladzyPlay WANTED $4

    MrNiceGuy375 wrote:

    Anyone else seen or having this problem and know what to do?

    When i try to load any NLC slots i get the message “The location associated with your IP is not permitted to access the requested game”

    No matter what country i set my VPN at it just says the same. Bandit plays them on his vids and i have VPN set to Ireland like his but i get the error?

    Any help appreciated!

    I had the exact same issue and accidentally worked out that this message will always show if your currency is set on GBP. I tried all sorts of No limit games new and old and it wouldn’t work, but when I had my currency set as USD for some bonus spins I was awarded, I realised all the No limits woult work, consequently, I also had no more issues with certain BTG games. Hope that helps!

    KateB WANTED $1

    i’m playing on Playgrand also getting the same playing in the Uk without a vpn, contacted support and they said they would escalate it but no response in 3 days. Never had an issue before now.

    Mark8685 WANTED $6

    As someone else mentioned, change currency to Euros and they should work. I was having the same problem playing with AUD changed to Euros and worked fine.

    Tdw2709 WANTED $1

    Try Belgium it’s works for me playing the majority of nolimit games


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